JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series of manga, anime, and videogames have been the birthplaces of many different internet jokes throughout the years. From the "To be continued" memes to the "It was me Dio!" ones, it seems that the series is one of the biggest goldmines of unintentional comedy there is.

RELATED: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Every Stand's Musical Reference In Bucciarati's Gang 

One of the most popular and recent in internet popularity is the "Oh? You're Approaching Me?" scene from JoJo's Part 3: Stardust Crusaders. This panel and scene have brought many fans of the series and general meme-lovers to remix it into a huge variety of different jokes.

10 DIO's Chad Walk


One of the hilarious memes when it comes to the "Oh? You're Approaching Me?" meme arsenal was created by analyzing DIO and his walk. From his butt to his unzipped fly, this meme literally looks at just about everything going on with the vampire king during this one panel.

This joke introduces the spin-off series of the approaching meme, which focuses more on DIO's walk panel here. There are many more like it, and each is more hilarious than the last.

9 More Like, Belongs In The Trash

bold and brash lol

Most internet users are aware of the classic Spongebob Squarepants joke involving the Bold and Brash gag from the show. For those unaware, Bold and Brash is a hideous and vein painting from none other than Squidward. It was quickly shadowed by Spongebob's much better statue, queuing a famous art critic to say that Bold and Brash belonged in the trash.

Of course, with the Spongebob series being no stranger to memes, this scene had to be remixed into a JoJo's meme format with these two creations being pitted up against each other, JoJo style by the meme's creator u/RexUmbra.

8 Oh? You're Approaching Me In Real Life?

jojo's in real life

Everyone knows thatJoJo's fan can't ignore a good reference, even when that reference is one only made up by them. This is seen in this irl image that only a JoJo's fan would be able to think of after seeing a clothing store poster featuring a model slightly bending backward DIO style.

While it may be seen as a huge reach to make a quick meme for some, most others would quickly realize what they're looking at here. It actually makes for a rather epic shot referencing a godlike scene from the JoJo's series.

7 Approach, Don't Run

jojo's street sign

As said in the last meme, JoJo's fans can literally find JoJo's references anywhere if they think hard enough, even while walking around the city. This walking sign found by someone was quickly turned into a reference to the "Oh? You're Approaching Me?" meme.

RELATED: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 10 Strongest Support Stands 

While this meme is yet another piece found in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure goldmine, it can't help but be wondered how funny it would look with two people recreating the scene in front of the sign.

6 It's-A Me, JoJo

mario jojo meme

Of course, the king of videogames couldn't be left out of a meme this big, which prompted someone to take Mario and turn him into another iteration of the walking DIO meme. However, this time instead of approaching an enemy, Mario is simply approaching a painting portal like Mario 64.

It's not hard to see that a JoJo's meme can be made out of literally anything and any circumstance, so one such as this should come as no surprise to anyone.

5 Oh? You're Approaching PSSSSSSSSSSSST

minecraft creeper dio

Much like Super Mario, there is no way to expect something as large as the Minecraft series being left out of a meme as big as something coming from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

This meme is one of the funnier ones out there due to the sheer stupidity of it. When a creeper approaches someone in Minecraft, they begin to hiss and finally explode. Funny enough, this is basically how every creeper encounter goes in the game.

4 Super Smash JoJo's

smash jojos

Mario could definitely be seen as the DIO of the Super Smash Bros. series when you think of it. While he's not the final boss, he is the biggest of all the franchises present, making him the most powerful.

Who other to be good to counteract his evil than the innocent Isabelle of the Animal Crossing series. Or at least, that's what most imagine Twitter user @_zoxeaw was thinking when making this meme.

3 You're Approaching Me In That?

jojo's gaming

This is usually what goes down in videogames when the cutscenes are real-time instead of being pre-rendered, and it is absolutely amazing.

RELATED: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 5 Ways The Series Has Changed (& 5 Things That Have Stayed Same)

Any gamer that has a knack for editing their character in the ridiculous costumes will know exactly how amazing the feeling of seeing the most serious final boss approaching their stupidly dressed protagonist in their final battle.

2 Oh, You're Approaching The Door?

dio the gamer

This take on the JoJo's meme references not only gamers but the actual JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series itself, and in a very dark way.

Of course, any gamer, be it a classic party player on Xbox or Playstation, will resonate with the getting up to check on something, but only JoJo's fans will realize how dark DIO approaching that pooch is.

1 JoJo's Spidey Adventure

spiderman jojo's

Many meme-lovers are aware of the Spider-Man "Me and the boys" meme featuring Spidey's most iconic villains in their 60's cartoon incarnation looking goofy as ever, but would they recognize this mashup of the two memes?

This meme takes the four villains featured and puts them in the JoJo's meme in a spectacular way.

NEXT: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Every Stand's Musical Reference In The Morioh Gang