• In 1941, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby quit their hit series, Captain America Comics. 1 / 8

  • They moved to National Comics (DC) where they introduced the Boy Commandos. 2 / 8

  • The young heroes were a sensation and they soon gained their own solo series. 3 / 8

  • In Boy Commandos #1, though, another Kirby/Simon group, the Newsboy Legion, had bad news! 4 / 8

  • Joe Simon and Jack Kirby learned that the Boy Commandos were reported dead! 5 / 8

  • Simon and Kirby are inconsolable that the heroes they covered are dead. 6 / 8

  • They ask another one of their characters, Sandman, to find out the truth. 7 / 8

  • As it turns out, the Nazis incorrectly claimed to have killed the Boy Commandos! 8 / 8