With Comic-Con International just two weeks away, Hero Complex passes along a rumor that two titans of genre television and film, J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon, will meet in a panel hosted by Entertainment Weekly.

That's the only information available until either EW or Comic-Con releases more details, hopefully before the end of the week. So we don't know whether the panel is simply a spotlight or -- dare we suggest it? -- part of a larger announcement. Following the initial "squee!" reactions from fans at Whedonesque, speculation has turned to whether the programming is somehow connected to Whedon's rumored involvement with Marvel's Avengers film.

I'm betting that it has nothing to do with The Avengers, as Marvel executives aren't about to let Entertainment Weekly or anyone else steal their thunder. I'm also wagering that the panel is just a spotlight. However, I'm happy to be wrong.