Anime's isekai heroes frequently overcome the near-impossible odds and risky encounters that result from adventuring in fantasy worlds. However, not all isekai heroes prove lucky enough to earn victory or survive on the battlefield in conflict-filled environments. Tragedy on the battlefield and unforeseen strategies among isekai factions occasionally lead heroes to experience defeat and loss.

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Isekai heroes have no guarantee of achieving success in every confrontation with powerful enemies and armies. Protagonists in isekai face the consequences of defeat and adapt their strategies to better succeed as adventurers and aspiring heroes in alternate worlds. Defeat becomes essential for an isekai hero's growth and the future success of their closest allies.

Updated by Lauren Turner on March 3, 2023: Isekai is a mega-popular subgenre of anime where the protagonist is thrust into a new world. This poses many challenges; fans usually root for the heroes to emerge victorious. However, that's not always the case — some isekai heroes don't win. Fans will want to know more about their favorite isekai heroes who deserved to win, so we've updated this list with even more information.

10 Manato Dies In A Failed Mission (Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash)

Manato in Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash.

In Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash, Manato's successful healing of a friend's wounds and his determination to lead his group of adventurers to victory result in his early death. Manato spends his final moments guiding his allies away from an unexpected ambush and aiding his injured teammates without self-concern. He finds himself the victim of a failed quest that reveals the dangers of the world around them.

Manato's compassion for struggling adventurers causes his death and the mission's failure to take an emotional toll on the group's survivors. He leaves behind a group of heroes who depend on him for advice and support.

9 Tsukasa's Memories Are Erased By A Malicious AI (.Hack//Sign)

Tsukasa in .hack//Sign.

Tsukasa from .Hack//Sign frequently falls victim to the AI Morganna's schemes and technological skills despite his use of The World as an escape from a tragic reality. Tsukasa fails to prevent Morganna and her allies from erasing his memory and sense of identity on numerous occasions. He remains trapped within The World for months before he successfully escapes Morganna's manipulations and returns to the real world.

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Tsukasa rarely lives the ideal life he wants in-game until his allies' assistance enables him to approach and thwart Morganna. He wrestles with identity loss and his relationships with those around him in an equally intimidating virtual world.

8 Rimuru Fails To Prevent Hundreds Of Deaths (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime)

Rimuru Tempest looking surprised in That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime.

In That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, Rimuru Tempest amasses tremendous power yet temporarily loses after his policy of not harming humans results in a large death toll for the Jura-Tempest Federation. Rimuru loses both important leaders and close friends to the Kingdom of Falmuth and the Western Holy Church despite his efforts to protect monsters.

Rimuru's grief toward the destruction leads him to abandon his passivity toward humans and pursue revenge to resurrect his friends. He uses his mistake to learn that peace occasionally proves impossible to achieve without fighting back. Rimuru's experience with hostility enables him to reassess his strategy as a political leader.

7 Subaru & His Friends Are Tortured By The Witches Cult (Re:Zero)

Subaru covering his mouth in shock in Re:Zero.

Subaru from Re:Zero fails to prevent the Witch's Cult from both capturing him and torturing Rem to the brink of death before he witnesses Rem's sacrifice. Subaru frequently finds himself on the losing side against stronger entities who harm those he grows to care about. His association with the Witch of Envy brings him into contact with individuals who prove impossible to guard against early on.

Subaru continues to helplessly witness his friends' suffering despite his efforts to regain confidence in his abilities. He only experiences success after multiple failed attempts and tragic deaths.

6 Seiya's Recklessness Gets Him Killed (Cautious Hero)

Seiya, the protagonist of Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered But Overly Cautious.

In Cautious Hero, Seiya Ryuuguuin loses his battle with the world of Ixphoria's Demon Lord after he and his allies fail to research the Demon Lord's revival ability. Seiya's lack of planning ends both his own life and those of his friends despite their history of successful battles as adventurers. The destructive aftermath of the Demon Lord's victory alters his approach to combat long after his arrival into a different world.

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Seiya learns from his previous impatience and ensures his success through extra training and preparation. He refuses to underestimate the capabilities of opponents, no matter how strong he becomes.

5 Rudeus Loses To The Dragon God (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation)

Rudeus Greyrat in Jobless Reincarnation.

In Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation, Rudeus Greyrat possesses extraordinary magical skill yet loses to the Dragon God Orsted several times while following Hitogami's advice. Rudeus nearly dies from Orsted's attacks for being Hitogami's apostle despite his unawareness of Hitogami's true intentions for the world. He survives Orsted's wrath solely due to persistence and Orsted's decision to spare and ally with him against Hitogami.

Rudeus's attempt to gain information from Orsted results in his close friends nearly losing their lives in a matter of moments. He faces defeat due to his lack of information about a conflict between opposing gods.

4 Kazuma Dies Repeatedly (Konosuba)

Satou Kazuma yelling at Aqua in Konosuba.

Kazuma's unfamiliarity with a fantasy world's dangers leads him to die numerous times in his attempts to earn a living as an adventurer in Konosuba. Kazuma enters a new world through a pointless act of self-sacrifice, only to fall victim to monsters in the presence of his allies. He rarely finds moments of safety while dealing with the responsibility of facing a Demon Lord's army.

Kazuma finds himself in countless unfortunate and dangerous situations while having little way of avoiding them. He has no choice but to try his best to survive his adventurer's lifestyle and secure an easier life in the future.

3 Naofumi Is Unfairly Betrayed (The Rising Of The Shield Hero)

Naofumi from The Rising of the Shield Hero.

Naofumi's arrival into a fantasy world as a legendary hero in The Rising Of The Shield Hero fails to prevent him from abruptly losing his status to Princess Melromarc's lies. Naofumi loses the respect of the majority of Melromarc's citizens despite his innocence and initial enthusiasm for heroism. He enters another world with the support of the royal family, only to become an outcast without the chance to defend himself.

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Naofumi spends months pursuing revenge and acquiring a group of allies to restore his reputation and prove the princess untrustworthy. He suffers greatly from a world that summons him for assistance.

2 Kumoko Faces Near Death Daily (So I'm A Spider, So What?)

Kumoko in So I'm a Spider, So What?

In So I'm A Spider, So What?, Kumoko frequently reaches the brink of death during her struggle to survive the dangerous Great Elroe Labyrinth. Kumoko faces powerful monsters whose attacks force her to flee and recover to continue growing stronger. She endures whatever injuries prove necessary for her to acquire new abilities and get closer to the surface.

Kumoko's experience with near death enables her to find methods to make the most of perilous situations. Kumoko's refusal to give up allows her to win and escape battles that put her at a serious disadvantage from the beginning of her adventures.

1 Myne Reincarnates In A World Without Books (Ascendence Of A Bookworm)

Myne reaching out in Ascendence Of A Bookworm.

In Ascendence Of A Bookworm, Myne reincarnates in a world that lacks the books she loves and easy access to the materials to make them. Myne faces the frequent challenge of both acquiring seldom-made books and acquiring funds as the daughter of a struggling family. She has no choice but to navigate the world's social classes to regain what she treasures above all else.

Myne faces the additional challenge of pursuing her dream while dealing with a naturally weak physical constitution. She learns to make the most of what she has to gradually gather the literary materials that she requires.

NEXT: 10 Isekai Villains Who Didn't Deserve To Win (But Did)