The very tenuous connection "Infinity: The Hunt" #2 shares with the main series is reduced to a subplot as Matt Kindt's expansion of the Marvel Universe's next generation turns its focus to the Latverian School of Science. This issue introduces Demona, Pan and Morg, tying them to the legacy of Victor Von Doom and Baron Blood.

Blood's presence fits this series' penchant to dust off obscure or older characters and concepts, but I don't recall any sort of actual connection between Blood and Doom. Doctor Doom himself never makes an appearance in this issue, but we do see the other side to the Latverian School's absence from the Contest of Champions call depicted in "Infinity: The Hunt" #1. Kindt doesn't add as much to Marvel's toy box in this issue as he did in the previous issue, but he does make connections between other denizens of the Marvel Universe. Demona is connected to the Son of Satan and Morg has unconfirmed ties to Morbius. None of the three new characters offer much to the story, appearing as victims to the plot, but their addition will certainly season the drama of this series' remaining issues. Kindt uses the geographical range of Latveria to the Avengers Academy to provide some scope as Thanos' squads continue to attack.

Steven Sanders' artwork is serviceable, but lackluster. His designs for Pan and Demona are spot on with expectations descriptions of those characters might generate. The Doombot school matrons are creepy and then some. Sanders draws wide open characters with minimal shading, leaving plenty of opportunity for colorist Jim Campbell. For the most part, Campbell keeps the palette bouncy and bright, reminding readers this is a comic book after all.

The opening scene of "Infinity: The Hunt" #2 made me think about the Triwizard Tournament from "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," but the story in this issue falls well short of any expectations established in that comparison. Kindt and Sanders do add breadth to the Marvel Universe through the plethora of characters created in this series; they just don't add more depth. The focal character of this issue in terms of panel time is Quentin Quire. Honestly, I don't find the character all that compelling in Jason Aaron's work on "Wolverine and the X-Men" and find him less so for "Infinity: The Hunt." After two issues, this series has failed to deliver on the potential in the concept and settled in to being just another red skies comic with an unattractive price point. Although the main "Infinity" story in the series proper and the Avengers titles is enjoyable, the thin nature of "Infinity: The Hunt" fails to impress.