The unpredictability of battle in anime can be thrilling and terrifying all the same. However, it's a character's resolve that alters the trajectory when things don't seem to be working in their favor. Fans of Hunter X Hunter have witnessed many of their favorite characters push through brutal injuries and mental blockages to vanquish their rivals.

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Hunter X Hunter has kept viewers at the edge of their seats numerous times. Characters have not only fought ruthlessly against others, but have also fought ruthlessly against themselves. Regardless, Hunters were able to go the distance due to their unquestionably strong willpower. Their strong show of will repressed their bodies' desire to shut down.

10 Netero Underwent Years Of Constant Training To Achieve His Mastery

Isaac Netero Training In Harsh Conditions- Hunter X Hunter

Before becoming Chairman of the Hunter Assosciation, Isaac Netero worked tirelessly for many years. At the age of 46, Netero set off to train in the mountains. Already being skilled in martial arts, Netero showed great appreciation for his craft. Every day, he completed a set of 10,000 punches and prayers.

In the beginning, the toll it took on Netero's body and mind was undeniable, and he would collapse from sheer exhaustion upon concluding the ritual. It took Netero over eighteen hours to reach his goal on his first day, but after years of prevailing, it took him less than one. Netero was so devoted to his training that it became a source of worship for him.

9 Gon Refused To Give Up Against Hanzo To Obtain His Hunter License

Hanzo vs. Gon in Hunter X Hunter

Hunter X Hunter revolves around protagonist Gon and his incredible show of willpower. He has endured many situations that would be enough to make even the most seasoned adult back down. Gon's sheer mental grit is undeniably strong.

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In the exam arc, Gon's final step in obtaining his Hunter License was to fight one-on-one against another finalist and win. Gon was no match with Hanzo physically, and he was brutally struck down by him time and time again. Despite his injuries, Gon's evident mental strength was so overwhelming that Hanzo conceded defeat upon realizing that Gon was never going to back down.

8 Gon, Kurapika, & Leorio Utilized Their Friendship To Enter The Zoldyck Residence

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio entering the Zoldyck Estate

The only safe way to enter the Zoldyck estate is via the Testing Gate. Consisting of seven doors, the smallest panel of doors weighs two tons, and each panel continues to double in weight. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio endured days of grueling training to become strong enough to open the Testing Gate and get to Killua, who had fled the scenes of the final Hunter Exam.

Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio demonstrated that they were willing to go to any lengths to see Killua and proved how much they valued him as a friend. They hadn't known him long, but they refused to give up in their fight to let him know just how much they cared.

7 Kurapika Trained Relentlessly To Perfect The Art Of Nen

Kurapika (Nen Training) - Hunter X Hunter

While many people desire to become a Hunter due to being enticed by the riches that come along with the title, Kurapika had a different goal in mind. He had pledged to himself that he would annihilate the Phantom Troupe, who were responsible for the murder of his clan, the Kurta Clan.

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When Kurapika first began his Nen training, he was rash and hotheaded. His one and only goal was to destroy the Phantom Troupe, and his quest for revenge clouded his judgment and hid his true potential. Kurapika was his own worst enemy, and he grew increasingly frustrated over his lack of progress. With the help and encouragement of his supportive trainer, Izunavi, Kurapika overcame his struggles, and his Judgement Chain was born.

6 Kurapika Vs. Uvogin

Kurapika V Uvogin in Hunter X Hunter

Despite reigning victorious, Kurapika's triumph over the Phantom Troupe's Uvogin was by no means an easy win. Uvogin was the strongest member of the Phantom Troupe in terms of physical strength, and he was an exceptional Nen user as a result of countless fights.

If it wasn't for Kurapika's intense desire to avenge his clan, it is doubtful he would've fought Uvogin and lived to tell the tale. Kurapika was nowhere near Uvogin in terms of might, skill, and experience. However, Kurapika's Nen training had clearly paid off, and he highlighted the utility of his Judgement Chain, as it was that technique that dealt Uvogin the finishing blow. Kurapika's evident strength lies within not only his passion and resoluteness, but his ability to implement his plans. Kurapika's willpower is astonishing, but Uvogin's will was just as indomitable.

5 Killua's Smarts Enabled Him To Defeat The Enemy

Killua Zoldyck in Hunter x Hunter.

Killua's development throughout Hunter X Hunter is undeniable, and his willpower seems to get stronger alongside him. During his battle with Chimera Ant siblings, it seemed inevitable that Killua was going to be defeated. Not only due to their strategy and technique, but the vast natural power that all Chimera Ants possess.

Against all the odds, Killua flipped the script. Despite his critical injuries, Killua's analytical intelligence allowed him to deduce the formula of the Nen being used and predict the outcome of the battle. Killua's calm and clever disposition allowed him to push on in the face of death and defeat the Ortho siblings.

4 Ikalgo Gained A New Sense Of Purpose

Ikalgo Octopus Form Hunter X Hunter

After saving Killua from his imminent death during his battle with the Ortho siblings, Chimera Ant Ikalgo banded together with the Chimera Ant Extermination Team. It was Ikalgo's low self-worth that motivated him to persevere. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his new friends to prove that he could be useful in his octopus form, which is something he has always resented.

Ikalgo was mentally exhausted, but meeting Killua gave him a new sense of purpose. Ikalgo knew that there was no guarantee he would make it out of the upcoming battle alive, but he felt as though the cause was something worth laying his life down for. His desire to fight the good fight diminished his mental weakness.

3 Meleoron Betrayed His Species With The Intention Of Defeating The King

Meleoron in Hunter X Hunter

Once upon a time, Meleoron was a Chimera Ant Squadron Leader. Upon the death of his father figure at the hands of Meruem, the King of the species, Meleoron defected to the Chimera Ant Extermination Team.

Meleoron demonstrated incredible mental strength by going against what was expected of him, as he joined forces with the Hunters who wanted to annihilate the King. If Meleoron was caught, his act of treason would've been punished by death. His will to avenge Peggy enabled him to prove his loyalty to the Hunters, and he became a trusted ally. Meleoron channeled his feelings of hopelessness into his quest for justice.

2 Knov Suffered Greatly But Didn't Stop Fighting

Knov from Hunter x Hunter.

The fight against the Chimera Ants was long and tiresome, and Knov was acutely aware of this fact. Knov is an experienced Hunter and master infiltrator. He was able to sneak into the castle that was being used as a base by King Meruem and the rest of the Chimera Ants and plant his portals that would later aid his friends in battle.

Nen is an extension of an individual's mental state, and one's physical appearance reflects it. Knov lost both his hair and an excessive amount of weight due to being exposed to the devilish auras of the Chimera Ants for a lengthy period of time, which put his body under immense stress. Despite this, Knov put his own struggles aside and continued on for the sake of his friends and the rest of humanity.

1 Netero Vs. Meruem Showcased Two Of Hunter X Hunter's Most Powerful

Netero Vs. Meruem in Hunter X Hunter

The theme of willpower is rampant throughout the whole of Hunter X Hunter, and it's clear to see in the fight between Netero and Meruem, undeniably two of the most powerful characters to come out of the series. Amid this awe-inspiring assault, Netero exemplified unbreakable focus and unimaginable willpower, which aided him in defeating King Meruem, something no other would be able to do.

Despite losing both an arm and a leg, Netero appeared completely unaffected and continued to fight flawlessly. Despite the mental strain and immense amount of pressure he was under, he couldn't afford to let anything slow him down. Netero proved his dedication to the cause by ultimately sacrificing his life, taking Meruem down with him.