The Hunter profession is the ultimate dream job in Hunter x Hunter, but owning a Hunter's license demands a heavier price than it seems. Life as a professional Hunter offers adventure, discovery, and riches that are inaccessible to the general public. Hunters of all kinds tackle the world's most intriguing mysteries and more readily acquire financial resources. Though the rewards are great, being a Hunter comes with heavy responsibilities that are far from easy to bear.

RELATED: Hunter X Hunter: 10 Things Wrong With The Hunter Association

Hunters frequently confront danger, and the Hunter Association that supports them is far from morally perfect. Even experienced Hunters learn harsh lessons from the extreme circumstances of daily life, and not all adventures teach their lessons kindly.

10 Death Is Always A Possibility

Shoot Hunter x Hunter Near Death Chimera Ant Arc crying

Although Hunters possess significant power, both the Hunter exam and a pro-Hunter lifestyle come with the risk of death. A significant number of potential Hunters perish during the exam, and applicants are allowed to murder rivals with restriction to ensure success. Pro Hunters accept responsibility for eliminating threats to humanity that match or surpass the strength of the strongest fighters available.

The outcomes of battles a Hunter encounters are never certain, and mistakes in judgment can kill the most skilled Hunters unexpectedly. Hunters can only trust in their abilities and give their best effort to protect themselves when lives are endangered.

9 Not All Hunters Are Trustworthy

Hisoka Gittarackur Illumi Hunter Exam Arc HXH

The Hunter exam lacks moral requirements for applicants, allowing dangerous known murderers like Hisoka Morrow and Illumi Zoldyck to obtain Hunter licenses for malicious purposes. Although Hunters are forbidden from targeting other Hunters, powerful Hunters with sinister intent can easily bypass rules by eliminating witnesses. Certain Hunters use their wider freedoms to intimidate both innocents and fellow Hunters at the right opportunity.

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Hunters also value individualism and take advantage of self-benefitting situations, including influencing Hunter Association elections. Although collaboration between Hunters accomplishes major feats, not all Hunters put other people's interests first.

8 Mastering Nen Requires Years of Dedication

Isaac Netero meditating in Hunter x Hunter

Hunters must master and evolve Nen abilities to count themselves among the strongest of their kind. However, it takes months of arduous training to master the basics of Nen and years for Hunters to reach their full potential. Hunters repeatedly push their bodies to extremes and risk severe injury to improve and survive against opponents.

Mental fortitude is equally necessary for Hunters to resolve conflicts and endure physical and emotional pain. Sacrificing time, energy, and wellbeing for strength is unavoidably part of a Hunter's lifestyle alongside the social benefits a Hunter's license provides.

7 There's A Lot Of Guilt That Comes With The Job

Gon Hunter x Hunter Hugs Transformed Kite

Hunters aren't immortal, and casualties inevitably occur in battle. Unfortunately, many Hunters witness and fail to prevent the deaths of allies, causing deep emotional distress. Gon learns this the hard way after the guilt from Kite's death drives him to near insanity. Talented Hunters can die at enemy hands before rescue arrives, which is the case with Pokkle's death by the Chimera Ants.

Hunters always remember the helplessness of failing to protect those they care about in moments of weakness. Though guilt serves as a motivator to become stronger, the tangible loss of cherished friends never leaves a Hunter's side.

6 The Moral Choice Isn't Always Clear

Meruem Begins To Feel Genuine Compassion

Most Hunters try to do what's right when faced with moral decisions, but the correct choice isn't always clear. Sudden redemptive actions from villains once considered pure evil can shake the resolve of Hunters targeting them. Netero was nearly dissuaded from attacking Meruem after the Chimera Ant King grew to respect human life, despite the danger Meruem posed.

Hunters face times when fighting against a guilty conscience and taking a life is necessary to win, even if they aren't sure at the time. Choosing between mercy and death while engaging enemies demands careful decision-making.

5 Companionship Is Temporary

Gon, Killua, Alluka Hunter X Hunter On Mountain

Though fostering friendships while adventuring is part of the appeal of being a Hunter, Hunters inevitably experience moments of solitude. Every Hunter has different motivations for joining the Hunter Association, and those motivations eventually draw friends down separate paths. This isolation is usually temporary, as close friends like Gon and Killua always cross paths again, and new acquaintances await on each stage of a journey.

RELATED: Hunter X Hunter: Killua's 10 Closest Friends, Ranked

However, reuniting with lost friends is not always guaranteed if a companion's adventures bring them into harm's way, and loneliness doesn't diminish until best friends are side by side once again.

4 Some Threats Are Powerful Beyond Imagination

Neferpitou Chimera Ant Royal Guard Hunter x Hunter glowing eyes

Hunters don't willingly accept defeat, and they train to be flexible when plans go awry. However, although Hunters are adept at problem-solving their way out of sticky situations, there are rare instances when threats surface who possess power guaranteed to overwhelm the strongest human resolve. The Chimera Ant King Meruem and his Royal Guards wielded Nen stronger than most Hunters ever acquire.

In a Hunter's life, there are moments when defeating an enemy in battle seems impossible no matter how a Hunter chooses to react. Hunters must find ways to push past fear and hesitation to continue fighting back when all seems lost.

3 All Hunters Have Flaws

Ging Freecss Hunter X Hunter Chairman Election Arc

Hunters pursue criminals and research diseases, but despite their achievements, Hunters are never perfect. Some Hunters join the profession solely for selfish reasons of attaining wealth, prestige, or revenge, rather than impacting the world. Hunters constantly compete with each other for recognition and hinder other Hunters when necessary.

Hunters are only human and occasionally make decisions that benefit themselves while abandoning critical responsibilities, such as Ging Freecss putting his desire to attain what he lacks before being a father to Gon. All Hunters struggle with morality in the pursuit of adventure and live with their mistakes while doing so.

2 Hunters Are Never Satisfied

Gon and Ging on top of World Tree

Amassing fortune and contributing to discoveries are part of being a Hunter, and the resources at their disposal bring ambitions closer to fruition. With enough dedication and money, Hunters can presumably accomplish anything, but the reality is that they will never be satisfied with what they've accomplished.

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The Hunter bylaws require that Hunters are always hunting for something, so the only option for them after reaching life goals is to move onto new objectives. As long as Hunters remain Hunters, there will always be new goals that are waiting to be accomplished.

1 Comfort Is Never Guaranteed

Gon Killua Hunter x Hunter Kite Chimera Ant Arc

Hunter licenses grant Hunters the privilege of using most public facilities without charge, allowing them to travel in relative comfort. However, dangerous or remote destinations often force Hunters to camp, conceal themselves, or forgo sleep for prolonged periods of time. While hunting the Chimera Ants in East Gorteau, Gon and Killua trek through miles of forest land without the luxury of having safe places to rest.

Hunters need to trade comfort for harsh conditions to pursue enemies or investigate unexplored regions that lack easy access. The special treatment offered by a Hunter's license cannot protect Hunters from all inconveniences.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 5 Characters Who Would Pass The Hunter Exam (&5 Who Would Fail)