In Follow the Path, we spotlight changes made to comic book characters that are based on outside media, as well as characters who entirely came from outside media. I'm sure you can think of other examples, so feel free to e-mail me at if you want to suggest some other examples for future installments.

Today we look at the circuitous route that the comic's Daisy Johnson took to being known as Skye, just while Skye in the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." TV series was taking on the name of Daisy!

Daisy Johnson (codenmaed Quake because of her earthquake-esque powers) in the second issue of the "Secret War" mini-series (that mini-series ended up having a major impact on the Marvel Universe, as Nick Fury's actions in the series drove a lot of narratives for the next decade or so, and Brian Michael Bendis started some of the plots that would carry over into New Avengers), as the SHIELD agent assigned a group of superhero agents on a mission to Latveria...

In the first season of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," we met a hacker named Skye.


Eventually, it was revealed that Skye's real name was Daisy Johnson and - guess what? - she was part Inhuman and thus had superpowers, earthquake-esque powers that led to her getting the codename of Quake!


We also learned that her real father was the villain known as Mister Hyde...


So you'd think that would be it, right?

The comic and the TV show character were brought into sync with each other, for the most part (I mean, not TOTALLY, since the comic book character once even became the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!), so things were pretty much normal.

However, the comics then decided to make an interesting change themselves.

In "S.H.I.E.L.D." #7 (by Mark Waid and Greg Smallwood), Mister Hyde is confirmed as Daisy's father in the comics, as well, and Waid even came up with a comic book explanation for why Coulson would call Daisy "Skye"...


Cute stuff.

Okay, that's it for this installment! If anyone else has a suggestion for a future Follow the Path, drop me a line at!