Honest Trailers typically tackles one movie at a time, but the YouTube series pulled out the big guns for its latest entry on Christopher Nolan, as it points out a whole lot of commonalities in the director's filmography.

While it's often noted that Nolan likes to work with the same actors over and over again -- Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Michael Caine, for example -- some fans may not have noticed some of the other glaring similarities between many of his films. Thankfully, the biting satire of Honest Trailers digs into many of these parallels.

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From MementoInceptionThe Dark Knight and The Prestige, it's clear Nolan loves to tell the story of a well-dressed white man with brushed-back hair, much like himself. Another common similarity between many of these men are the deaths of their wives.

The trailer also pokes fun at the sometimes "clunky exposition" employed in Nolan's films. Whether he's explaining what the "clean slate" is, or trying to justify the madness of Inception, there always does seem to be a Captain Exposition present in this director's movies. That, and a mask. There's always a figurative or literal mask.

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Of course, all of these jokes are made in good spirits. The narrator calls Nolan one of the best directors of our time, even referring to the director as "the man who saved Batman." This roasting is made with love, and the creators clearly hope the most avid Nolan fans will be able to take it with a grain of salt, and a chuckle or two.