The Hero Initiative has two updates on a couple of creators who have had health issues.

First up is Will Eisner hall-of-famer Russ Heath, who had knee surgery earlier this year. The Hero Initiative's Jim McLauchlin had lunch with Heath yesterday and says the classic artist is out of rehab earlier than expected. "I was fortunate enough to have lunch with Russ Heath yesterday, and he was in great spirits, having a grand ol' time and cracking rapid-fire jokes, just like always," McLauchlin said.

Next is Josh Medors, who continues to battle cancer. The Hero Initiative posted an update from the artist's wife, Charlotte:

"It turns out Josh’s white blood cell counts were two one-hundredths of a point away from being too low to continue chemo. We're working on getting those back up. In the meantime, his body is having a tough time fighting off infections due to this. He is fighting a bit of a cold, but he is keeping his spirits up. He has been drawing like crazy! It seems he is either sleeping or drawing all the time lately. It is really nice to see him drawing again!"

McLauchlin said to expect news on "a cover gig for Josh and a great product tie-in as well coming soon." Best of luck to both artists.