Back in March we featured Ohio teacher Chris Pearce in our weekly Shelf Porn column, as he shared pictures of the comic book and graphic novel lending library he's been putting together for his classroom.

Now Pearce's classroom is in the running for Sonic Drive-In's Limeades for Learning fundraising campaign, where he has four different projects related to reading, including one that will help expand his graphic novel lending library.

"I’m really passionate about building up my classroom’s lending library- I feel it’s a sorely overlooked aspect of most high school classrooms and in the past year I’ve had great success in finding new ways to get exciting, interesting books to my students," he wrote on his blog. "I’m hoping to use Limeades for Learning to fund at least one of four projects, including a set of music-themed books, a set of spooky horror themed books, an expansion of my classroom’s graphic novel lending library, and one general reading project."

He gives instructions on how to vote for his projects on his blog. And now I'm really craving some Ocean Water from Sonic ...