Running for three years in a popular manga imprint, Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku was a hellish fantasy adventure with a striking art style and character designs. Using ninjas in an incredibly interesting and unique way, the series is much more than the typical shonen action story. This is likely why its legacy will live far beyond its source material.

Even though the original manga ended in 2021, that wasn't the end of paradise in Hell. Novels and manuscript exhibitions have been produced for the series, with a stage play on the way. Likewise, the upcoming MAPPA-produced anime adaptation is sure to make the franchise more popular than ever. Before the anime drops in the near future, here's a look at what the Hell's Paradise manga was about, as well as how to get into it.

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The Plot of Hell's Paradise

Splash page from Hell's Paradise Jigokuraku depicting Gabimaru and Yamada Asaemon Sagiri.

Hell's Paradise centers around Gabimaru, a powerful ninja who's primed to assassinate others. Due to this, he acquires quite the reputation, leading to him being sentenced to death. Nevertheless, a superhuman constitution and his endearing love for his wife keep him going, allowing him to keep killing for as long as he desires.

Intrigued by him, an executioner named Sagiri offers Gabimaru a way out of his current predicament. If he can venture to Shinsekyo and find the long-rumored elixir of life, he will be pardoned of all his crimes and allowed to go free. Of course, this will be no easy task or journey, especially considering that so many previous expeditions have died trying to find the elixir. Gabimaru also isn't the only one looking for it, with a group of other death row convicts vying to find the elixir for themselves and receive pardons.

Hell's Paradise is as much, if not more, of an adventure story than it is an action-based one. The sometimes brutal events make the series arguably more seinen-like than shonen, which is why it ends up being far more than the sum of its parts. It also has several elements of the psychological thriller genre throughout the harrowing voyage. The end result is a story that only seems like a generic ninja tale on paper, becoming something much more unexpected by the conclusion.

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Where to Read the Hell's Paradise Manga Before the MAPPA Anime Comes Out

Hell's Paradise was created by Yuji Kaku, and it began in Shonen Jump+ in early 2018. It came to an end almost exactly three years later in 2021, amassing 13 completed tankobon volumes. As he developed the series, Kaku also developed backstories for even the most minor of characters, which made some sense given that he'd initially planned the series as a gut-wrenching battle royale story.

All 13 volumes have been released in the West through Viz Media, with the final one having come out in March 2022. The upcoming anime is being made by MAPPA, a renowned studio that has handled such hits as the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and the final season of Attack On Titan. Thus, there's going to be a heavy increase in interest in Hell's Paradise, especially in terms of reading the original manga.

The series can be read online through Manga Plus and the Viz Media website. It can also be purchased and read through Kindle & Comixology. For those who wish the read the series in a physical capacity, however, it's just as easy to get a hold of the manga volumes. Mainstream stores such as Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million and even Walmart carry them, with Amazon and Right Stuf Anime likewise allowing readers to order their entry into Hell's Paradise.