Dr. Harleen Quinzel has made quite the name for herself ever since she became the Joker’s girlfriend. In the years since she’s been a character, Harley has actually come quite a long way, leaving the Joker behind and becoming more of an anti-hero.

RELATED: 5 Marvel Heroes Harley Quinn Could Defeat (And 5 She'd Lose To)

While she may not be perfect, her wild and fun personality have helped her appeal to so many others, both in and out of the comic book pages alone. Within the DC universe especially, she has even come to have her own little niche group of friends and allies. However, given that a character like Harley can come this far, one can’t help but wonder how she would fit in within the Marvel universe. Taking various factors and other characters into consideration, here is our list of 5 Marvel heroes Harley would team up with, and 5 she would absolutely hate.

10 Would Hate: Cyclops

Cyclops Optic Blast feature

While Scott Summers may be the fearless leader of the X-Men, Harley Quinn is definitely not the type of personality he would get along with. Harley’s immature demeanor and impulsive tendencies just would not mesh well with someone like Cyclops.

While he may be more accepting of her if she were a mutant, Scott would likely consider Harley to be more of a danger than anything else. However, thanks to his own personality flaws, Harley likely wouldn’t want anything to do with him either.

9 Would Team Up With: Deadpool

Deadpoolin the X-Men comics

On a more obvious note, Harley and Deadpool’s personalities are so similar, that it is hard to imagine the two not getting along. Given that the two are both hyper-violent and crazy individuals who enjoy blowing things up, it almost seems as though the two are a match made in heaven.

RELATED: The 10 Worst Things Harley Quinn Has Ever Done

For years, fans have often paired the two together in things like fan art, which actually makes sense given their similarities. With a shared red and black color scheme to top everything off, Deadpool is definitely one Marvel hero that Harley would get along with.

8 Would Hate: Captain America

While there are still plenty of differences between the two, Captain America tends to have the same moral compass as DC’s Superman. Likewise, given that Harley isn’t exactly Superman’s biggest fan, it is likely that she would come to have the same feelings towards Captain America.

Though Steve Roger’s boy scout attitude and infinite bravery are part of what makes him such a popular character in the first place, Harley doesn’t exactly mesh with those same qualities. If the two ever were to meet, things would likely be very tense, even if Harley were more of a hero than anything.

7 Would Team Up With: Captain Marvel

While Carol Danvers is generally more serious than Harley would typically prefer to be, Harley has still shown to make friends with people of the same caliber. Looking specifically at Power Girl, a more serious personality can actually work surprisingly well alongside someone as wacky as Harley Quinn, even if their relationship may be a bit rocky at first.

Likewise, given all the insane amounts of power that Captain Marvel possesses, Harley would certainly want to tag along, if only just to watch the fireworks. So long as she doesn’t do anything too drastic, Harley Quinn would likely have a blast fighting with someone like Captain Marvel.

6 Would Hate: Iron Man

Tony Stark easily has one of the biggest egos out of most other characters within the Marvel universe. Because of this, it is very likely that he and Harley wouldn’t get along, no matter how hard either of them may try.

RELATED: 5 Marvel Villains Harley Quinn Would Team Up With (& 5 She Would Hate)

Though Tony is the hero in this case, Joker also has a very high opinion of himself, making it easy to see why Harley may get some bad vibes from someone like Stark. Furthermore, Harley’s destructive nature likely wouldn’t bode well in an entire armory full of millions of dollars worth of explosives. While a team-up between these two may be fun to imagine, it likely wouldn’t be fun for either of them.

5 Would Team Up With: Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man Cropped

Spider-Man has already managed to tolerate Deadpool for several years now, meaning that he should have no problem with the likes of Harley Quinn as well. Likewise, given all the antics that the wall-crawler and merc with a mouth got themselves into, Spider-Man should feel right at home alongside a character like Harley Quinn.

Granted, there were certainly times where Deadpool got on Spidey’s nerves and vice versa, so Spidey and Harley may also clash at times as well. For the most part though, the two would actually make for a pretty good duo and, aside from a few moral differences, get along rather nicely.

4 Would Hate: Daredevil

As a man of the law, Harley probably wouldn’t like someone like Daredevil right off the bat. Matt Murdock’s sense of justice and order would definitely clash against Harley’s more chaotic personality and actions, making the two an incredibly unlikely pairing.

Furthermore, Daredevil’s dark and brooding personality can strongly resemble that of Batman’s own at times, offering yet another reason as to why he and Harley wouldn’t get along. If the two ever were to cross paths, it is more likely that they would frustrate each other more than they would actually work together.

3 Would Team Up With: Rocket Raccoon

While he may be one of the most accomplished members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon is also likely to get along famously with Harley Quinn. With just the right amount of weird and violent mixed into his character, it seems as though these two would instantly be the best of friends.

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Furthermore, given Harley’s relationship with Bernie the Beaver, readers already know that she has no issues in working with an animal sidekick. Likewise, their common interest in big explosions would likely be just as terrifying for the Marvel universe as it would be fun for readers to experience.

2 Would Hate: Punisher

Though Frank Castle certainly has the violent personality to rival Harley’s own, the two likely wouldn’t make for the best pairing. Granted, if the two ever were to team up, anyone in their path had better be extra cautious, as the two wouldn’t hesitate to make a move against them.

Unfortunately, Harley’s criminal past would probably put her at odds with Punisher, eventually leading to a bloody brawl between them. While it may be a very interesting fight to see, the two would make for much better rivals than they would partners.

1 Would Team Up With: Squirrel Girl

Thanks to her brighter, happy-go-lucky attitude, Squirrel Girl and Harley could easily become fast friends. With that in mind, Squirrel Girl is nowhere near as violent as Harley typically is, meaning that Harley would definitely need to be on her best behavior when the two are together.

Regardless, the silly nature of Squirrel Girl as a character fits well with Harley’s own insane and random personality, making the two a very likely duo. While some of Harley’s harsher traits may need to be toned down for the two to be together, there’s no telling just how weird and fun their adventures could be.

NEXT: DC: 5 Marvel Villains Harley Quinn Could Defeat (And 5 She'd Lose To)