First things first, this comic book presumes that the reader has some significant interest in Green Lantern. Knowledge of the concept or characters isn't critical to pick this book up and enjoy it as Franco and Art Baltazar run the full spectrum of the "need to know" list for this first issue. Interest in the Green Lanterns is a requirement, though, as the writers pack that full spectrum into this one comic.

That's not a bad thing, mind you. All too often, "All Ages" reads are light and breezy, quick page turners that entertain and uplift, but do little more than that.

This book does much more than simply entertain. It informs. It builds worlds. It defines the characters. It also offers a "how-to" on drawing Hal Jordan in four easy steps. It introduces new readers to the concept of "Poozer." It features Hal Jordan and Kilowog, slinging their Green Lantern rings side-by-side, like some cartoony space cop story. Well, it actually is a cartoony space-cop story, and it's a good one at that.

Baltazar and Franco spend a lot of time explaining the functions behind things and fill this book with background and facts. At some points, like including the bit about a humpback whale, it almost seems like too much. At other points, though, it's just right.

Dario Brizuela nicely realizes their story. Brizuela does a very good job of filling the story with action, exciting camera angles, and deceptively simple characters. He doesn't capture the exact look of the characters as they appear on the Cartoon Network special, but he doesn't need to. The essence of the characters shines through. Of course, it helps that there are only two Green Lanterns in this issue.

This series is a charming alternative for comic readers who like the Green Lantern concept, but are disenfranchised with the thick continuity and excessive expansion of the "Green Lantern" franchise in the relaunched DC Universe. This is a clean, crisp book with a buoyant story, sharp art, and unburdened characters. Quite simply, it's a fun Green Lantern title. Those are always good to have around.