I'm normally a big fan of "Green Lantern Corps." Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason normally make this comic a great combination of crazy ideas and larger than life events. This is the first time, though, that I think this duo of creators bit off a tiny bit more than they could chew. Or, at least, I hope that's what the problem was.

Maybe it's because it's the final issue of "Green Lantern Corps" to tie into "Blackest Night," but it felt like Tomasi was just throwing everything at the wall in this issue to see what would stick. Multiple Corps slugging it out against a horde of Black Lanterns, an undead planet zooming over the horizon, and even an evil zombie refrigerator making an appearance. No, I'm not making up that last one. I've liked the idea that "Green Lantern" and "Green Lantern Corps" have served as "overflow" annexes to "Blackest Night" and holding all the ideas that the main series couldn't. It kept the core of "Blackest Night" uncluttered and streamlined, but for the first time it now is starting to feel like there were too many ideas for even these extra titles to carry.

The most painful portion of the book, easily, is the much ballyhooed appearance of the fridge with Kyle Rayner's dead girlfriend Alex inside. When it first showed up, I found myself laughing at the ludicrousness of a fridge hanging in orbit, complete with a corpse arm hanging out. It looks like it's something being played for laughs, some dark comedy amid all the destruction raging everywhere. But as the scene between Kyle and Alex plays out, it becomes rapidly clear that it's not supposed to be funny at all. A play-by-play re-enactment of Alex's death ends up just being too much, though, and for a story about the dead coming back to life and trying to destroy everything I still found this scene distasteful.

At the same time, the extra pages in this issue provide some good moments, like Guy Gardner's plan to use all the Corps to wipe out the Black Lanterns, or scenes involving Dove that seem important enough that I was surprised they were here and not in "Blackest Night" #8 later this month. It also gives Gleason and Rebecca Buchman room to draw some really spectacular splash pages; they use the two-page spreads quite well, letting the sheer number of characters rage across the expanse. I can already hear scanners being turned on left and right so that people can create their new desktop wallpapers from some of these pages, in fact. They do a nice job with the softer moments in this issue, too; the scene with Guy Gardner and his Black Lantern facing off have some particularly excellent looks on each of their faces as they go up against one another.

"Green Lantern Corps" #46 isn't a bad issue, but it feels a little muddled and unfocused. The tone shifts a bit too much for my taste, and the scenes involving the fridge seem grafted on and out of place. It's a strange misstep for a book that is normally so much better, but at least their misstep is still an average comic overall.