"Gambit" #11 by James Asmus, Clay Mann and Paco Medina is a fun issue where Gambit is caught between an old lover and his new fling. Rogue's inclusion makes things interesting on both a personal and physical level once the fighting starts. This issue is very much the action sequence between two set pieces. The snowfield is a great setting, even if the stakes feel a little low.

James Asmus writes some solid moments in this book, especially a few beats between Gambit and Rogue, but there are also some mouthy moments that are a little too much. It takes half the issue to get into the rhythm of the two cadences of speech at play. Once readers overcome the obstacle of patois, the interaction becomes smooth -- although it constantly felt like it could be streamlined. Gambit talks himself into a few cute corners, but it renders half this issue just three people talking in the snow. When the action accelerates, things really start to cook. Again, there are some fun set pieces, but it's hard to fear for the heroes when the stakes are so low. The moments with Tombstone as he tortures for information connect much more efficiently.

Clay Mann's art is so clean and crisp that readers won't even mind a talking heads page. His Gambit design makes him look like a strong lead instead of a stereotypical punchline. His body constructions always feel realistic and yet beautiful. Mann paces his action scenes well, laying them out in a manner conducive to flow. Paco Medina draws the final scene, which is one of the strongest scenes of the book. His work is more cartoony than Mann's, but the comparison isn't that jarring because of the entire scene shift. Rachelle Rosenberg uses her colors well to show temperature and climate between the two scenes. The tone is set through Rosenberg's hard work.

"Gambit" #11 is an issue with some quality dialogue and action moments that push the overall story forward. It might linger a touch too long in some areas and get bogged down in too much chatter, but there are enough fine moments to make it worth the trip. Clay Mann is always a reason to enjoy a comic and he gets to play with the lead and some cool action, so it's good to see the many sides of this title