Although you've probably already seen Brendan McCarthy's " script doodles" on an old Doom Patrol script from Grant Morrison, as Rich included them in his column last week, McCarthy shares them and some news on his Dr. Strange/Spider-Man project on his site:

"My Spider-Man/Dr Strange story is now at the half way point. It's a three issue mini-series that will appear under the Marvel Knights banner, probably in the early summer. It's been great fun drawing and writing the series, and Marvel seem to love what I'm creating so far. I'm coloring the book with Steve Cook, who designed the SWIMINI PURPOSE book for me a few years ago.

If Fantagraphics can't have Dr. Strange, as Eric Reynolds suggested in August, this is equally as awesome.

McCarthy says he can't show any art from the book yet, but he does share this piece, proclaiming he's from the lineage of Ditko: