Which superhero has the best assortment of villains? Well, Batman's got a pretty great one. Spider-Man does too. But when it comes to classic comic book fun, it's hard to beat the baddies that the Flash has acquired.

To celebrate his fantastic Rogues Gallery, we took a little trip to the Myers Briggs® Personality Test website to learn a little more about what makes his villains tick. What we ended up with was the Flash Villains By Myers-Briggs® Personality Type, which we're happy to share with you now. Let us know what you think!


You know that athletic friend you have? The slightly annoying one, who's always talking about what they can do on the field/court/ping pong table? That person is probably an ESTP. Just like Digger Harkness, AKA Captain Boomerang, ESTPs put a lot of stock in a particular skill that they develop.

Since Harkness incorporates his boomerang skill in his costume, his evil hijinks, and even his superhero codename, we can guess that he similarly values his most prominent skill. However, ESTPs aren't always drawn to leadership roles. So why he put a "Captain" in his name is beyond us. Though to be fair, it does sound a bit better than "Mister Boomerang."


The Flash The Top Henry Allen

ESFPs are adaptable to bunch of different situations. It's actually their defining characteristic. So we think that a guy who does one trick in response to any problem is a pretty solid example of one. Literally, Roscoe Dillon can handle anything by spinning. Need to deflect bullets? Spin. Want to fly away from a situation? Spin. Feel like you could use some relocated brain cells to increase your overall intelligence? You guessed it.

In this way, the Top can go from challenge to challenge confidently, knowing that he's got an answer to any problem. You could call it rolling with the punches. Though he'd probably define it another way.


Heat Wave Flash

None of the Flash's Rogues are outright thugs. However, the villain named Mick Rory might be mistaken for one. Heat Wave is a lot simpler than his fellow Central City supervillains. Instead of creating some high-tech weaponry to battle the Flash, he essentially puts on a fireman's suit and wield a flame thrower.

That's not to say he's dumb, just that he's practical. Practicality is a defining trait of an ISFJ. They don't need fanciness to achieve a goal, just a direct, easily-defined approach. In a world of Jokers and Brainiacs, there's something to be admired about that simplicity. It's very Marie Kondo of him.


Like Heat Wave, Mark Mardon also stands out in Flash's Rogues Gallery. Yes, he does use some pretty high-tech supervillain gadgetry, but not because he invented it. Instead, it was his brother who created his powerful weather wand, Mark just picked it up and started using it. Like his fellow ENTPs, Mark is an opportunist.

He is acutely aware of the situation he's in and capitalizes on it. He's such a tricky villain for the Flash for the same reason. After all, the most threatening villains are the ones with the best plans. Mark's knowledge of other criminals, his technology, and the Flash himself mean his plans are just as useful as the almost magic technology he wields.


Mirror Master Flash

The second villain known as Mirror Master, Evan McCulloch, is all about the money. That doesn't exactly make him an INTP, but his willingness to do dangerous things does. INTPs, according to the Myers-Briggs® website, are "explorers." And when one of your powers is actually access to a different dimension, that definition probably fits you.

Evan boldly takes on the name and role of the Mirror Master in the Rogues, awhile keeping a health mercenary business going for himself. Like his fellow INTPs, he's willing to take risks for the things he values. Especially when those things are money.


ENFPs are born performers. They enjoy the arts, the excitement of a crowd and the thrill of the spotlight. The Trickster, who's obsessed with his own flashy image, definitely fits this bill. Like his fellow ENFPs, James Jesse is a free-spirited artist of the criminal craft. He's drawn to fun, with a zest for life apparent in every wicked action he takes.

When James hangs up the clown suit and goes straight, he's replaced by another Trickster, Axel Walker. And just like his predecessor, we think Walker also fits the ENFP role. There must be something about striped outfits that ENFPs just can't resist.



ISTJs are great leaders, because they place value on two major things. First, they value cohesive units, like families or teams, This is certainly the case for Leonard Snart, one of the major driving forces keeping the Rogues together. ISTJs are also practical in nature. Like Heat Wave and his fellow ISFJs, Captain Cold values a practical approach to supervillainy.

Yes, he does use high-tech machinery, but his gadgets always serve the direct purpose of stopping Flash. No thunderstorms or giant jack-in-the-boxes for Captain Cold. Snart's ISTJ-ness makes him an effective leader of the Rogues, and on the few occasions he tries to be one, a pretty decent hero as well.


Eobard Thawne Reverse-Flash

Eobard Thawne is a psychopath, a manipulator, and a murderer. But underneath all that darkness he is also a brilliant scientific mind. And if you're looking for an INTP in any piece of fiction, finding the scientist is not a bad bet. INTPs are objective and analytical. Granted, they're not as objective as Thawne, who literally doesn't value human life, but they approach gathering information in a similar way.

Thawne collects facts and makes conclusion based on the scientific method. It's the way he got his powers, and the way he left his home time of the 25th century. Despite his reputation as a bizarro version of the Scarlet Speedster, the Reverse-Flash is one of the most brilliant minds in the DC Comics universe. And it's his INTP qualities that make him so.


ISFPs are drawn to political roles. Not all of those roles are "tyrannical king of an advanced gorilla society," but that doesn't mean that Grodd isn't involved in politics. As an ISFP, Grodd feels best suited for a managerial job. He is convinced that he knows what's best for everyone, going so far as to mind-control some people to get his way.

Grodd wants to see his people thrive, as long as its under his command. To that end, Grodd will make big decisions, as ISFPs tend to do, in the service of his vision. For some ISFPs, that vision can be a really good thing, in service of humankind as a whole. But Grodd's vision isn't exactly a good thing, and it definitely isn't meant to benefit humankind.


Zoom fighting the Central City Rogues

What's so weird about Hunter Zolomon is that he thinks he's helping Flash. Yes, by hurting the people he loves and causing major problems in Central City, Zoom believes he's turning the second Flash (Wally West) into a better hero. That's a trait of an ENFJ, albeit a warped one. ENFJs care about the people around them. They want to see them flourish. And that's what Zoom thinks he's doing for Wally, someone he views as a hero worthy of refining. It's a dark, loathable way of thinking, which is possibly what makes Zoom such an interesting character. For all his wickedness, he really thinks he's the good guy. Or at least, that he's helping one.

WHo's your favorite Flash villain, and which Myers-Briggs® Personality Type would you give them? Did we get any of the above personality types wrong? Let us know in the comments section below!