The Fate series is a fictional piece that knows how much power fictional can really have. The stories of warriors, gods, and nobility tell great tales of people doing things beyond human imagination, and Fate uses that potential to create some of its most powerful and unpredictable characters, even poised against some of history's greatest warriors.

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Characters like Dr. Jekyll, Hercules, and Medusa have been some of the most threatening opponents in the Holy Grail Wars, and more human characters like Sherlock Holmes still manage to hold their own. This list will be looking at some folklore and literary classics, as it breaks down some fictional characters that should be Servants in the future.

10 Evil Queen (Caster)

The Evil Queen Grimhilde in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The Evil Queen isn't really a respected character in fiction. Typically, she doesn't even have a name. She's just there to be the classic villain against the more beautiful and obviously good character, Cinderella. However, the Evil Queen is one of the most interesting characters in her fairy tale who carries some of the greatest agency.

She's a queen who has an all-seeing mirror, great magical power, and apparently some poisoned apples. All of that power as a Noble Phantasm and the considerable hatred for being a marginalized fictional character could play very well in the Holy Grail Wars.

9 Big Bad Wolf (Berserker)

The Big Bad Wolf appears in various instances of fiction. Apparently, people haven't been too keen on wolves for centuries. This guy, in particular, is infamous for stalking Little Red Riding Hood and destroying a few pig's homes with just his breath. While childish in nature, the Big Bad Wolf has the potential to be an incredibly dangerous servant.

He already has the monstrous strength and ferocity associated with hungry wolves but also the disguise abilities from Little Red Riding Hood and, of course, some stormy breath. Coupled with his insatiable hunger, and the Big Bad Wolf could be a pretty decent Berserker.

8 Long John Silver (Archer)

Long John Silver is the main antagonist of Treasure Island and one of the most complex characters in fiction. The book itself doesn't inherently portray John as all that bad of a guy, and he even has a decent rapport with the main character, Jim Hawkins. However, he is consumed with tales of gold and glory and personally leads the mutiny on his ship and the tireless raid to find the titular treasure.

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His acting skills and personality alone could already make him a pretty interesting character in Fate but also make him one of the most dangerous Servants willing to do anything to get to the Holy Grail.

7 Icarus (Rider)

Icarus is often revered as mythology's greatest tale of failure and hubris. Wanting to escape Crete, Daedalus fashions some waxwings for his son Icarus. Icarus, however, uses these wings to fly too close to the sun, melting his new appendages and sending the boy to a tragic descent. Possibly having learned his lesson, Icarus could be a pretty capable Rider who could fly faster and higher than any other Servant can reach.

In addition, Fate's rendition could also have Icarus pick up a few trade secrets from his father, Daedalus, who was a famous craftsman and the creator of the Labyrinth. Whether Icarus himself can create a Labyrinth or is just able to summon some pretty fantastical things, that skill set can help make the flying wonder a pretty versatile Servant.

6 Cupid (Archer)

While Icarus' wings may be fake, Cupid's wings aren't. Within the same mythology, Cupid (also known as Eros) is seen as the god of love and is famous for using his bow and arrow to spread love between people.

As an Archer within the Holy Grail Wars, this could be a very dangerous ability within Fate's already shipping heavy plot, and his wings will make it naturally hard for any other character to retaliate.

5 Hephaestus (Caster)

Hephaestus of the Greek Pantheon

The last of this list's dive into Greek mythology, Hephaestus is an often underappreciated yet incredibly influential figure on Mount Olympus. He was the blacksmith to the gods who forged many of their weapons in addition to various inventions of his own as well as the crafts, dwellings, and furnishings that he gifted humanity.

As a Servant, Hephaestus can be the Caster equivalent of Hercules. However, instead of having indomitable strength, Hephaestus could create weapons and Noble Phantasms to rival Gilgamesh and Shirou Emiya.

4 Macbeth (Saber)

Macbeth is perhaps William Shakespeare's most famous character that wasn't a couple of stupid teenagers. When a group of witches prophesied that he would one day become king, he would take matters into his own hands and kill his current rulers in their sleep.

The story itself is ridden with plenty of blood and tragedy, but the message rings true throughout Macbeth is a wild guy. Macbeth as a Saber would fit alongside Fate's other power-hungry characters hunting for the Holy Grail.

3 Thor (Berserker)

A major opportunity to step away from Fate's affinity for Greek mythology, Thor would be the perfect opportunity to throw in some Norse legends in the Holy Grail War.

As the Norse god of thunder and strength and a Viking figure for might, Thor could be one of the most powerful characters in Fate. Making him a Berserker would also give the guy plenty of opportunities to show off the very ferocity that made Vikings famous.

2 Don Quixote (Lancer)

While Gilgamesh may be labeled as the first hero, that title doesn't necessarily track in fiction. In the literary world, the very first hero of what is often referred to as history's first novel is none other than Alonso Quixano or, as he prefers to call himself, Don Quixote.

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Inspired by the tales of grandeur and romanticism within his childhood stories, Don Quixote forsakes reality, takes his best friend, and goes on a quest for a brave adventure. With that much delusion alone, Don Quixote could easily become one of the series' most eccentric characters; and as a Lancer, he could be the center of plenty of the series' most entertaining fights.

1 Zorro (Saber)

zorro in a duel

Last but not least, this list reaches one of the most famous swordsmen in fiction. Using his sword fighting techniques that he learned in Spain, Don Diego de la Vega dawns the vigilante personality, Zorro, and stalks the streets of California, fighting against the criminals and corrupt figures that threaten its people.

He's famous for his amazing acrobatic skill, exceptional abilities with a rapier, and redecorating a lot of drapes and homes with his initials. Zorro has the potential to become one of the most capable Sabers in the Fate series, though he might leave an easy trail for the other Servants to follow.

NEXT: 10 Strongest Characters in Fate/Apocrypha, Ranked