It only took about fifteen years to get there, but Extreme Justice is getting props it never got when it was first out.

So, the other week Colgate Max Fresh (with mini breath strips) began a pretty major ad campaign in DC Comics.

It's a three-page ad spread (which couldn't have been too cheap).

The first page is a comic strip about a date (and the big kiss at the end, aided mightily by Colgate Max Fresh, which has mini breath strips, donchaknow). The strip is fair enough - pretty standard fare.

But then there is a double-page spread where they celebrate DC's 75th Anniversary, specifically "75 years of the hero getting the girl" (that is on one half of the two-page spread).

Now you might very easily take some issue with the latent sexism there, but we'll leave that alone for a moment and take a look at the other half of the double-page spread, where they show a kiss from DC Comics history.

The first week....

Okay, fair enough, Superman and Lois Lane - pretty darn iconic (and hey, it's Frank Quitely, so that's awesome in and of itself).

This past week?

Oh yeah, you know it! Extreme Justice, baby!!!

I suppose Colgate wanted some ethnic diversity, and it's not like DC (or Marvel for that matter) really has all that many covers featuring a black character kissing someone, but still, Extreme Justice?


It's especially amusing considering Amazing Man has been dead for, what, fourteen years (basically the instant Extreme Justice ended)? And Maxima's been dead for close to ten.