Top Cow Productions has provided CBR with an exclusive first look at character designs for "Beserker" by series artist Jeremy Haun. Written by Rick Loverd, "Berserker" is a new miniseries from Top Cow and "Heroes" star Milo Ventimiglia's DiVide Pictures that depicts what might happen if descendants of uncontrollable Norse warriors were unleashed on the world of today.

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"Jeremy and I work fantastically well together," Loverd told CBR. "He's a guy who comes in, not just with great art, but also cool story ideas. He and I talk all the time, bouncing ideas off each other. He's someone who I'm not only thrilled to work with, but also will stay friends with."

The designs featured here are of the character Farris, who was first drawn by Dale Keown. "I think Dale really hit the pop-cool element of Berserker with his original concept for Farris," Loverd said. "Then Jeremy came in and made him gritty and real. Having them both do covers is an embarrassment of riches because their styles are so radically different. Every time Dale turns a cover in, I'm blown away by how big and raw his ideas are, whereas Jeremy is a genius at bringing out some of the most emotional moments from the story and nailing a character's head space."

For more on "Berserker," check out CBR TV's interview with Milo Ventimiglia and CBR News' interview with Rick Loverd and Jeremy Haun.