Minecraft may embrace simplicity with its graphics and blocky aesthetic, but it really has grown since its release in 2011. Whether players want to use the game's tools to test their creativity in fancy building projects, take part in mini-games, or try to survive against hordes of mobs, Minecraft has something for everybody. One particular concept that is particularly useful within a difficult Survival playthrough is the use of enchantments.

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Enchantments allow players to customize their tools, weapons, and armor, adding various boosts that enhance certain aspects of gameplay. There are 10 sword enchantments available in Minecraft, which can vary in quality and usefulness depending on the specific tool. However, players will find that several sword enchantments are useful.

10 Curse Of Vanishing Causes The Sword To Disappear Upon Death

Curse Of Vanishing Sword In Minecraft

Curse of Vanishing is easily the worst enchantment to have on a sword in Minecraft. It is the only one that actively has negative effects and offers nothing more than a cool name. Vanishing does as the name would suggest, meaning that any tool with this added will disappear upon the player's death.

It makes little sense for players to use a sword with this enchantment, especially if it is a valuable sword with other enchantments combined. The only reason to use this would be to add a level of difficulty for the Minecraft thrill-seekers out there.

9 A Sword With Bane Of Arthropods Is Perfect For Fending Off Those Pesky Spiders

Bane Of Arthropods Sword In Minecraft

As the name would suggest, arthropods are the only kind of mobs who need to be wary of this enchantment. A sword with Bane of Arthropods will deal extra damage to the likes of silverfish, spiders, and cave spiders, but little else.

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Unfortunately, most of these mobs are already easy enough to deal with, meaning that this kind of enchantment is very specific. However, for those who are lucky enough to collect diamond swords for every occasion, such a prepared sword could be useful in exploring certain caves.

8 The Unbreaking Enchantment Will Allow A Sword To Be Used For Much Longer Than Initially Possible

Minecraft Unbreaking I Iron Sword

Getting the first diamonds of a playthrough is one of the best feelings in Minecraft, especially in the intense Survival mode. When constructing diamond tools and weapons, it is no fun when such a valuable commodity is nearing the point of breaking.

A sword with the Unbreaking enchantment does what the name suggests and enhances the weapon's durability considerably. However, it doesn't make the sword completely unbreakable, it just delays the inevitable for much longer. Unbreaking may not offer any damage boosts, but it can be combined with such buffs to form a formidable weapon.

7 Sharpness Gives The Sword Boosted Damage Against All Mobs

Sharpness Sword In Minecraft

While Smite and Bane of Arthropods offer increased damage against specific types of mobs, Sharpness is a damage boost against any mob. This all-rounder of an enchantment sounds like the ideal option for any diamond sword, but the damage increase isn't quite as favorable as the specific boosts of other enchantments.

That being said, Sharpness is a solid addition to any prized sword because of this flexibility, making it useful in any situation. Improving attack damage and speed is essential when exploring the deadliest corners of Minecraft.

6 A Knockback Sword Is Perfect For Keeping Those Exploding Creepers Away

Knockback Sword In Minecraft

Increased damage from strikes isn't always everything needed in a weapon. Some situations call for different solutions. Knockback can be one of those solutions because it pushes enemies back to a safe distance. This is an extremely useful enchantment for a sword, whether it's dealing with hordes of mobs or the volatile Creepers.

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Creepers are notorious for exploding when getting too close to players, so Knockback gives players an extra bit of protection to deal with that threat. Players shouldn't underestimate the usefulness of pushing foes back over dealing the most amount of damage possible.

5 A Sweeping Edge Sword Can Hurt Multiple Mobs Simultaneously With One Strike

Sweeping Edge Sword In Minecraft

While Knockback has its uses in pushing enemies back, Sweeping Edge can focus attention on multiple mobs at once. This enchantment can deal impressive damage with a sweeping attack. Not only is it especially useful in eliminating or escaping from hordes of mobs, but it is also especially efficient and time-saving in certain mob farms.

Generally, Sweeping Edge can be combined with various other enchantments. This allows for various different sword combinations to sweep multiple foes at once and deal even more damage to opponents.

4 A Looting Sword Is A Great Tool For Farming Rare And Infrequent Items

Looting Sword In Minecraft

When putting together the perfect sword, the damage-enhancing enchantments can often seem the most enticing. However, it should not be taken for granted how good an enchantment Looting can be. As the name suggests, this enchantment boosts the drop rate of items that are left behind by defeated mobs.

This is especially useful if a player is specifically trying to farm a certain item for crafting purposes because it saves time and weapon durability. Whether it's for the edible drops from farm animals or for valuable items like the blaze rod, Looting certainly has its uses.

3 The Smite Enchantment Is Crucial For Fending Off The Undead

Smite Sword In Minecraft

Sharpness gives an extra damage boost for any mob, Bane of Arthropods is useful for damaging spiders, but Smite is exactly what is needed when facing undead mobs. Undead mobs cover the most common enemies, like zombies and skeletons, but Smite also hits harder against the mighty Wither.

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Smite should be one of the priorities when putting together a powerful sword before setting out on a long journey. The significant boost in damage is vital against these spooky mobs, and Smite V helps to make the ultimate sword.

2 The Fire Aspect Enchantment Allows Players To Inflict Fiery Chaos On Foes

Fire Aspect Sword In Minecraft

Fire is well-known as a devastating element in Minecraft, and players can inflict some fire damage of their own by using weapons enchanted with Fire Aspect. Not only can this be useful in dealing fire damage against deadly mobs, but killing animals with a Fire Aspect sword can also drop already-cooked meat.

Fire Aspect is a fun enchantment to use for those who fancy a change of pace from the more commonly-used options. However, it is worth noting that there are several mobs, especially those living in the Nether, who won't take the intended fire damage due to their various resistances or constitutions.

1 A Mending Sword Recuperates Durability By Feeding Off Experience

Minecraft Diamond Sword Mending Enchantment

Mending is often considered more desirable than Unbreaking. Holding a tool or weapon enchanted with Mending will take any experience being earned and convert it into restoring durability to that specific tool. This is especially useful as it essentially negates any worry about a prized and valuable possession breaking from being overused.

However, Mending is especially rare. It's not accessible from an enchantment table, and its books are hard to find. Its rarity reflects its value and is a must-have for any build, especially diamond tools and weapons.

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