The Eternals and the Avengers haven't faced off in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the former just made their big-screen debut. However, the two groups have crossed paths plenty of times in the comics. Usually, the two groups are on the same side when it comes to protecting the planet. In fact, Sersi has been a member of the Avengers in the past. As is the case with many superheroes, they don't always get along.

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In Marvel's comic books, the group have more powers than the movie Eternals do, though some specialize in other areas a bit more. All Eternals are capable of transmuting matter, accelerated healing, superior strength and speed, and even teleportation and flight. Not all of those skills, however, come easy to all of the Eternals. For some, their more specific skill sets mean they could take on the cinematic Avengers all on their own.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Eternals movie.

10 Sersi's Skills With Molecular Manipulation Are Impressive

Sersi in the MCU and in Marvel comics

The movie version of Sersi makes the point that she can manipulate any inorganic matter. That's not the case in the comics. She can manipulate any matter at all – even her own atoms. That ability means that as long as Sersi isn't incapacitated, she can change the structure of any person or object around her.

If she chose to be the bad guy, Sersi could take on anyone because their weapons could easily be rendered useless. Even if she was bested in a fight, she could quickly get away from the Avengers themselves by rearranging her atoms to change her appearance completely. For a while, she changed her appearance to that of Makkari in the comics, fooling everyone.

9 Druig Can Control Almost Anyone

Druig In The Eternals Movie And In Marvel Comics

Druig's abilities are put on display pretty well in The Eternals. In the comics, he tends to lean a little more toward than dark side than he does in the movie. He's much more empathetic in the movie, though that empathy for humanity's plight still leads him to control others.

Druig can use his ability to tap into people's brains and control their actions. He wouldn't be able to do that to every Avenger. Some minds are harder to control than others. Of course, as Avengers: Age of Ultron demonstrated, nearly the entire original team lineup is mentally manipulated by Scarlet Witch's power. Those he couldn't influence, he would be able to keep busy by influencing others to fight them on his behalf. All Druig would have to do is keep them busy long enough to achieve his goal.

8 Aurelle Has Huge Amounts Of Energy

Aurelle as a being of pure energy in Marvel comics

She doesn't appear on the big screen, but Aurelle is one very strong Eternal from the comics. She's able to channel energy through herself in a way similar to Captain Marvel's powers. Aurelle can use pure energy as electricity or fire, but she can also fully transform her own body into those states as well.

Just as the MCU audience saw Carol Danvers demolish a spaceship using the energy of her own body, Aurelle could take a similar route when using her power. It makes her nearly indestructible. No Avenger, except for maybe Captain Marvel herself, would be able to match her power level.

7 Uranos Thrives In Conflict

A split image depicts Uranus speaking and on his throne in Marvel comics

Uranos is from one of the earliest generations of Eternals in the comics. He has a lot in common with one of the most famous Eternals to come after him – Thanos. He thrives in sewing chaos and conflict amongst his people. It's Uranos who leads the inhabitants of Titan into civil war in order to grow his own power.

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While Uranos has all of the powers that the average Eternal has, he's stronger at his use of them. Teleportation, flight, and super strength are all things he could easily use in a fight against the Avengers. He's also able to manipulate cosmic energy for his own purposes. Uranos is also an incredibly adept strategist. Of course, there are still Eternals even stronger than him that could battle the Avengers.

6 Ikaris Might Be The Strongest Eternal In The MCU

Ikaris In The Eternals Movie And In Marvel Comics

Ikaris is the one Eternal in the MCU that the audience sees exhibit most of the abilities Eternals have in the comics, and just like in the comics, Ikaris tends to be the strongest of those Eternals he associates with.

Ikaris' power set is nearly the equivalent of DC's Superman. The energy projected from his eyes alone is enough to dispense with several of the Avengers. He uses flight more often than the other Eternals, and it's clear he's just as adept at fighting in the air as he is on the ground. With his impressive strength and durability, the only Avengers who might give him a hard time in a fight are Thor and Captain Marvel. Even then, it takes several of his fellow Eternals to stop him when he's out of line, so it could be a close match.

5 Sprite Is Stronger Than She Seems


Originally an immortal little boy in the comics, Sprite was recently resurrected as a girl on the page, just in time to coincide with the character's portrayal in the MCU. Sprite might not seem like the strongest of Eternals, but her ability is one that can cause real psychological damage to her enemies.

The audience sees that perfectly in The Eternals. Sprite uses how Sersi feels about Ajak to inform the illusion she creates to stall Sersi from getting to Ikaris. Though Sersi knows exactly what Sprite's doing in the fight, it still allows Sprite to stab Sersi while she's distracted. Sprite's ability would certainly fool the Avengers. As long as she knew just what illusions to use against them, she wouldn't just be able to best them; she'd be able to get away free and clear.

4 Kronos Has Cosmic Awareness

Kronos Is An Eternal

The Avengers might have some incredible skills, but even they don't have cosmic awareness or the ability to commune with the dead. Kronos, the original leader of the Eternals in the comics, has both of those skills in addition to all of the usual Eternal abilities.

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Kronos' power is on par with Uatu the Watcher, able to see and understand all timelines and realities at once. The difference is, Kronos isn't bound by an oath to remain unaffected. It would be nearly impossible for the Avengers to defeat him when he knows everything that's coming.

3 Zuras Is A Powerhouse

Zuras from Marvel Comics

Like Ikaris, Zuras is one of the few Eternals who uses almost the full skill set in the comics. He has the same super strength and durability that can allow him to handle himself in a fight against Thor for longer than a human would ever be able to.

Zuras also is able to manipulate cosmic energy well enough to create a variety of energy blasts against his enemies in battle, can fly, teleport away, and can use illusions in the same way that Sprite can. He is nearly as powerful as Kronos, but doesn't have the elder Eternal's cosmic awareness. He would be able to outlast just about anyone in a fight.

2 Makkari's Speed Gives Them An Edge

Makkari In The Eternals Movie And In Marvel Comics

Makkari was changed from a male to a female character for the MCU. Though the two are slightly different in terms of temperament and personality, super speed remains their primary power on the page and the screen.

It's not about just being able to outrun an opponent, though. A great visual representation of how Makkari could actually best an Avenger happens in the Eternals movie. There, Makkari manages to get an advantage over Ikaris when she catches him unaware. She uses her speed to her advantage to move in and dish out repeated (and fast) blows that leave him disoriented and essentially trapped by her. The Makkari of the comics could use the same move to defeat the Avengers. None of them are faster than either version of the character.

1 Thena Is Always The Most Skilled Fighter

Thena In The Eternals Movie And In Marvel Comics

Thena is the most skilled fighter in the MCU, but the illness affecting her memory sometimes keeps her out of the field. Her skills are on par with how tough she is in the comics as well. In fact, in the comics, she's the heir-apparent to lead the Eternals. As the daughter of Zuras, she essentially takes over his post when he dies.

Thena knows how to use her strength, agility, and reflexes to her advantage. Her quick grasp of different kinds of weapons and ability to master multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat means that she could combat anyone's fighting style. Thena is also one of the best Eternals when it comes to taking on multiple assailants at once, which means even going against multiple Avengers alone is something she could handle.

NEXT: 10 Ways Eternals Would Have Worked Better As A TV Series