Eternals screenwriter Kaz Firpo, who penned the script alongside his cousin Ryan Firpo, has an idea to continue the franchise on Disney+. Speaking to CBR, Firpo laid out his vision for a prequel series, which would be based mainly around Kingo's point of view.

"We've always even joked that there's a incredible prequel series to be made here on Disney+, where 10 episodes, each episode follows one Eternal for an hour," Firpo told CBR. "It's Thena dealing with the Peloponnesian War in Ancient Greece and being the inspiration for the goddess herself. It's Kingo hanging out with Gandhi in 1920s India, helping broker the peace, the great disentangling of colonialization. It's really diving into these historical stories by the lens of one or two Eternals. Maybe Sprite shows up for a little bit, and each character kind of overlaps, but it's mostly Kingo's story."

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According to the Firpos, the future of the franchise depends on a few factors, one of which is the audience. "I think the short version is, if audiences really love this film, if this incredible number-one-movie-in-the-world weekend that we just had continues, I think there's a very real conversation about telling more stories in the Eternal universe," Kaz Firpo explained. "We left the doors open for the story, and I think it's up to the audience to step through."

If Eternals does gain traction with movie-going audiences, the Firpos have plans beyond just a Disney+ series. They also envision a film trilogy, which would continue with "a rescue movie -- an intergalactic rescue from the World Forge might be in order." Additionally, Kaz Firpo teased "some new characters" and "the gods of space and time themselves" would be at the center of "a trilogy of very special stories" -- "if we're lucky."

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Although Eternals ended with Sersi and her allies saving planet Earth from being destroyed in the birth of a Celestial, she quickly faced the consequences of her actions. Arishem, the Celestial that created them, arrived soon after and whisked her away into the cosmos, demanding that she prove humanity's worthiness to them. The film also ended with the tagline, "The Eternals will return," confirming that Marvel Studios has more plans for these characters in the pipeline.

Marvel's Eternals is now in theaters.

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