On at least three different comics news sites today I've seen posts about Michael Jackson's passing, illustrated with the cover of Captain Eo.

Well, dammit, Farrah Fawcett had a character of hers make it on a comic cover too. And hers was from MARVEL.

Logan's Run #3, rendered by George Perez. The little blonde in the silver skirt there on the left. Granted, she didn't headline, but, well, you can't have everything.

On the other hand, Farrah Fawcett spent the last few years of her life actively using her fame to try and increase awareness of the disease that eventually killed her. I think that's a little more deserving of coverage than the narcissistic freakshow who blew millions of dollars constructing a pedophile's honey trap.

Anyway, if everybody else can talk about Michael, I guess I can take a minute for Farrah. So long, Angel.

(The actual column will be up late Friday or early Saturday, depending on how much headway I make on the deadlines I am up against at the printshop today.)