Aaron Chiang's adventures continue, so I sat down with my daughter, Amanda, and we took a look at the final issue in this first (I hope) "Dragon Prince" mini series.

"I like it! Good ending," are the words my eleven-year-old Amanda had to share following her reading of this issue. Amanda liked how it ended, but wonders how the Dragon Hunter's story is going to end. Does he find a family of his own? Will we see more adventures with him? Amanda is officially curious about what happens next, moreso with the Hunter than Aaron and his family.

As always, she said, the art was good. Of the three available covers, Amanda was most impressed with Ryan Sook's, as was I. She felt the cover went well with the story, revealing Aaron's quest to reunite with his father. Me? I just like Ryan Sook's art. It's sharp. That is like choosing between gold, silver and bronze medals, however, as each cover has its own special charm. Petersen's cover (the New York Comic Con exclusive) depicts a passing down of the crown, from father to son, while Johnson's cover is standard comic fare -- an adventurous air battle between two fierce dragons. All three covers have their merits.

The story wraps nicely, as Marz and Moder definitely had a solid ending in mind when they embarked upon the journey that became "Dragon Prince". The art and story throughout this entire run were solid and consistent. Aaron's age locked in with the first issue and didn't waiver -- a true testament to any artist, but one Moder should take pride in. While there were only a handful of main characters, the action, settings and backgrounds demanded a bit of Moder, and he delivered on every opportunity. I hope we see more stuff from him soon.

As for the story itself, Marz has developed a gem here, ready to be plucked and put into the multimedia machine for processing. It doesn't take much to imagine this series finding its way to the screen (television or movie theater) and this issue was the exciting ending to the summer blockbuster-to-be.

While many of the concepts may seem cliche, Marz does an admirable job of making those cliches his storytelling vehicles. He seizes the cliche, gives it a shake and moves the story forward. Sure, we've seen responsibility and decisions thrust upon unsuspecting and reluctant youth before, but Marz makes us forget all that with the fascinating world he has crafted with Lee Moder and Jeff Johnson. I look forward to a collected edition wherein we can learn more about Johnson's original involvement and possibly see some concept art from Moder.

If nothing else, I certainly hope Marz finds the time to revisit this world and these characters. While the story may have wrapped nicely here, if there's one thing I've learned about comics, it's that there are always more stories to be told.