The Penetrator is a boss from Demon’s Souls, both the original and the remake. While perhaps not the most iconic boss of this game, unlike most other demons found in the game, this one is clearly knight-like in appearance. It is possible this boss was once a knight charged with defending Boletaria but became corrupted by the mist.

This boss is located in World 1-3 and can specifically be found at the Main Plaza behind the barricades. Once this demon is defeated, you will be rewarded with a 30% increase to White World Tendency, 35,850 Souls and a Silver Demon’s Soul. There are several effective strategies to defeat this boss, no matter what weapons or play style you prefer. The Penetrator will do large sweeping attacks with his sword that, as you can guess, penetrate your defenses. The pillars in this room will offer no protection either, as the boss can destroy them with his attacks. Luckily most of his attacks are relatively slow and can be dodged.

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One of the best tactics can be to use long-range weapons, mainly the crossbow or magic, since he moves very slowly. You need to be careful that you don’t accidentally get trapped against a wall or corner as you're falling back. Melee can also be used effectively against this enemy, but since his attacks can cause a lot of damage, you’ll need a good armor set, a good shield and many health-based items. But like any boss in these Souls-like games, one of the most important things is to be patient and wait for perfect moments to strike. Getting greedy will almost always end in disaster for players.

An effective strategy is also to bring along a friendly character to help in the fight. Biorr of the Twin Fangs is an NPC in the original and the remake, who acts as a soldier and bodyguard to defend both Boletaria and its King from the demon onslaught. He won’t be available to help fight the Penetrator unless you rescue him from a cell by killing two Fat Official enemies, taking the Iron Ring of Keys from one of them. Biorr will redirect a lot of the boss’ attacks towards him, giving you many opportunities to land some attacks.

The Penetrator’s armor set was added to the remake for player characters to wear. The armor can be found in the Tower Knight Archstone’s Inner Ward behind a locked door that can only be opened with the Rusty Key item. Players will find the character Sparkly the Crow, who is willing to trade the key in exchange for 26 ceramic coins.

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