When it comes to characters from Demon Slayer, Inosuke can easily be considered a fan favorite. A Demon Slayer who wears a boar head basically all the time, Inosuke appears about halfway through the first season -- and he quickly becomes one of Tanjiro's closest friends, despite the fact that he initially attempts to kill his sister.

Inosuke's presence in the anime provides some much-needed comic relief to the series, as his character is extremely brash. To be fair, it's somewhat earned; Inosuke is among the more talented younger Demon Slayers. But his overbearing personality is also comical and adorable most of the time, and it strikes a great balance. Here are 5 times Inosuke was the cutest (& 5 times he was a badass).

10 Cutest: When We First See Him Without The Boar's Head

inosuke's face

Inosuke is almost never without his boar's head -- he even sleeps with it on -- but when Tanjiro knocks him out after their first fight, he and Zenitsu take the boar hed off and give Inosuke their cloaks so he can rest.

Not only is this act of kindness infuriating to Inosuke, who really just wants to defeat Tanjiro, but his appearance beneath the mask is somewhat unexpected. If you were anticipating someone manly or scary looking, you were likely shocked to discover how feminine Inosuke is. (He's actually quite pretty, too.)

9 Badass: When He's Introduced At The Drum House

Inosuke's first appearance in the anime is a pretty badass moment. For one, what's cooler than seeing some guy with a boar's head and two swords swoop in to fight demons? And the moment is only made cooler by the fact that we know absolutely nothing about him yet.

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On top of that, Inosuke manages to hold his own against the Horned Demon, one of the demons within the Drum House. Most people who enter the place die there, but Inosuke seems to be having fun as he fights what's inside of the place. More power to him.

8 Cutest: When He Won't Stop Chasing Tanjiro & Zenitsu

After the three Demon Slayers defeat the demons at the Drum House, they're led to a new home to rest. An old lady gives them pajamas and food, and if we're being honest, seeing Inosuke in pink, striped pajamas is just about the most ridiculous (and adorable) thing ever.

To make this scene even funnier, Zenitsu begins chasing Tanjiro for hiding Nezuko from them, and Inosuke joins in. The three are undeniably cute as they chase each other around the room, so this qualifies as one of Inosuke's cutest moments for sure.

7 Badass: When He & Tanjiro Fight One Another

Inosuke fights Tanjiro for nezuko

Prior to leaving the Drum House -- and to Tanjiro and Zenitsu removing his mask -- Inosuke picks a fight with Tanjiro, intending to kill the demon he smells sleeping inside his carrier. And Inosuke manages to hold his own against Tanjiro pretty well, even after he gets his ribs broken. It's only because of the other boy's unnaturally hard head that Inosuke eventually sees defeat, getting knocked unconscious after Tanjiro headbutts him.

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Watching the two characters fight each other is a fun moment, even if the stakes aren't all that high. And the fact that Inosuke is nearly as talented as Tanjiro when it comes to fighting is indeed badass.

6 Cutest: When He Wants To Do What Tanjiro Does

Inosuke raises his arms Demon Slayer

When Inosuke and Tanjiro are fighting together on Natagumo Mountain, there's a brief moment when Inosuke exclaims, "I want to do that, too!" This is after Tanjiro devises a plan to get Ozaki and the other Demon Slayers tied up, so that the Mother Spider Demon can't use them to fight anymore.

Once Inosuke realizes what Tanjiro's actually doing, he quickly changes his tone from critical to admiration. Given that his rivalry with Tanjiro is a running gag of the series, it's adorable when he admits Tanjiro's planning is sometimes superior to his instinctive fighting style.

5 Badass: When He & Tanjiro Fight Together On Natagumo Mountain

Rivals or not, Tanjiro and Inosuke need to team up in order to defeat the Spider Demons on Natagumo mountain. And with their combined combat skills and Tanjiro's talent for strategy, it's no surprise viewers get intense fight sequences from this arc.

RELATED: Demon Slayer: 5 Characters Nezuko Can Beat (& 5 She Can't)

Watching Inosuke work with Tanjiro in order to take down the Mother Spider Demon and her pawns is one of the better moments of the first season, and it shows off just how much potential the two Demon Slayers have, especially working as a team.

4 Cutest: When He First Meets Giyu

When Inosuke is left alone to fight the Father Spider Demon, he nearly loses to the thing -- at least until Giyu shows up and makes quick work of dispatching it. This earns the Water Pillar Inosuke's respect, and watching Inosuke sparkle from how much he admires Giyu is hilarious.

What's better is that he challenges the Hashira to a fight directly after. Inosuke's admiration is always attached to rivalry, and apparently that's the case even when he can barely stand.

3 Badass: When He Uses His Beast Breathing To Find The Mother Spider Demon

Inosuke Hashibira

Until Natagumo Mountain, viewers only see Inosuke's Beast Breathing once -- and it's a brief moment at that. But when Inosuke breaks out his Beast Breathing Seventh Form to locate the Mother Spider Demon, it's a surprising and awesome moment for him.

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Of course, it also plays a crucial role in enabling he and Tanjiro to defeat her. That means he gets kudos for the impressive moment and for their win.

2 Cutest: When He Sees A Train For The First Time

The first season of Demon Slayer ends with the gang boarding a train -- a comical event given that Tanjiro and Inosuke have never actually seen one before. To Zenitsu's dismay, the two freak out over the strange new object.

Inosuke, who was raised by boars and has never even heard of a train before, believes it to be some sort of god. He attempts to fight it, Zenitsu yelling at him the whole time, and it's truly adorable how ridiculous the whole scene is. After all the fighting from the previous arcs, it's also a great way to end the season with some humor.

1 Badass: When He Tries To Fight The Father Spider Demon On His Own

Insouke vs Father Spider

Despite the fact that Inosuke loses to the Father Spider Demon, his willingness to fight -- even after all the injuries he sustained previously -- is admirable. That's why watching him pick up arms against the huge creature, even as he's bleeding, is so exciting.

Inosuke tends to fight even when he shouldn't be able to, and his tenacity is part of what makes his character so compelling.

NEXT: Demon Slayer: 5 Characters Inosuke Can Beat (& 5 He Can't)