Demon Slayer features its own shonen trio with Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu taking the lead in every story arc so far in the anime. These three boys are sword-slinging demon slayers, bound by duty to destroy the creatures of the night and protect the innocent -- but not all of them follow the demon slayer rulebook.

While Tanjiro is the type to respect the rules and keep the peace, his wild friend Inosuke Hashibira is the type to charge right in and make it up as he goes. Inosuke may be a headache for the Sound Hashira Tengen Uzui, but there's no denying that Inosuke's clever instincts and can-do attitude are a real boon for Tanjiro's squad. All this reflects in his MBTI personality type, shedding further light on the Demon Slayer powerhouse.

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Inosuke Hashibira's MBTI Personality Type: ESTP, The Entrepreneur

Inosuke Hashibira holds his katana ready for battle

Inosuke Hashibira is a combat-oriented Entrepreneur, with this personality type being a bold doer who acts first and thinks later. ESTP stands for Extroverted Observant Thinking Perceiving, which adds up to a proactive, people-oriented, smart and flexible mindset that is perfect for exploring new ideas and improvising new techniques on the fly. Socially, the Entrepreneur is fairly similar to the ESFP Entertainer type, since both of them are lively, outgoing people who make life up as it goes. The difference is that Entrepreneurs are more project-oriented and don't focus quite as much on sentimentality or personal feelings. They can be warm and friendly but also put ideas ahead of emotions, so they can be described as whimsical inventors. Entertainers, by contrast, are more interested in making memories.

The ESTP type is a free spirit, unwilling to follow restrictive rules or norms. They operate best on their own terms, having the flexibility to absorb the world around them and reshape it as they please, all on their own initiative. ESTPs like Inosuke do poorly when micromanaged or given restrictions, and in settings such as schools or the workplace, Entrepreneurs suffer when forced to follow directions and aren't allowed to innovate. Despite being so creative, Entrepreneurs don't usually spend much time planning ahead or developing systems to regulate themselves. They prefer to explore and tinker with the world around them and deal with tangible items or situations, not daydream about what could be. This makes them almost the polar opposite of the INTJ Architect type, as they only share the Thinking trait.

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ESTPs are adored for their bold, original and practical ways most of all, eagerly taking on new projects or pursuing new ideas as they come. Such a proactive mindset can inspire others to follow the Entrepreneur or at least admire them, and they might work well in a small team if no one micromanages them. ESTPs are also refreshingly honest, perceptive and sociable, meaning they are good at reading people and forming genuine friendships.

On the downside, ESTPs can be too blunt or insensitive for their own good, since they emphasize tangible reality over emotions or the feelings of others. That can lead to unnecessary drama and cost the Entrepreneur some friendships. ESTPs might also pay the price for being too impatient, taking needless risks or for missing the bigger picture while chasing yet another fun project.

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Inosuke As An Entrepreneur In Demon Slayer

Inosuke on the Mugen Train

Inosuke's most defining trait in Demon Slayer -- or at least his strongest talent -- is his incredibly perceptive mindset and well-honed instincts. He was raised in the wild by a mother boar, after all, meaning he thinks in very concrete terms of the world and the people around him. He rarely bothers with philosophy, hypotheticals or creative theories -- he's all about the here and now, and that's a key trait of the ESTP personality type. Characters like Inosuke can be rational and practical about their world and set aside their emotional needs for a project, but they're not exactly aloof schemers about it. As a true Entrepreneur, Inosuke takes life as it comes, is creative and can see the immediate possibilities in almost anything.

One example is in Demon Slayer's "Mugen Train" arc when the squad, aided by the flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku, faced a truly bizarre threat in Enmu. Inosuke directly observed his demon enemy and used his instincts to figure out a simple but creative strategy, which he and Tanjiro used to strike right at Enmu's core and win the fight. Another example was when Inosuke took the initiative in the "Entertainment District" arc to chase after a lead on Daki, even squirming through underground tunnels to find her and win the day. Inosuke also rashly challenged Tanjiro and Zenitsu to a fight in their first meeting so he could test their strength and make a fun challenge of it. That's the Entrepreneur way.

Inosuke's ESTP nature makes him an odd fit among the other demon slayers. He fights for the same cause but is reluctant to follow orders -- even Tengen's or Kyojuro's -- instead opting to find his own path. He's his own boss but can still fight with a team if necessary. The friendly, practical Inosuke has formed strong bonds with his new friends, and sure enough, ESTPs are good at forming new friendships and taking center stage as innovators and leaders. The ESTP type is well-suited for shonen heroes like Inosuke -- independent fighters who value the power of friendship.