Demon Slayer has plenty of memorable battle sequences from the anime that stand out, but those aren't the only scenes that will stick with viewers. During their journey to becoming powerful members of the Demon Slayer Corp, the characters gain plenty of wisdom that helps further their character arcs. There have been so many memorable and inspirational Demon Slayer quotes, as character impart the lessons they've endured through their thoughts and words.

Not everything the characters talk about is relevant to everyday life. Sometimes it's not even all that wise. However, there has been plenty of wisdom imparted to viewers over the years that will inspire generations to come.

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14 “Feel The Rage."

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 1

Feel the rage. The powerful, pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to take action.

When Giyu tells Tanjiro that he should allow himself to feel the rage over what was done to his family, it seems like negative advice; after all, we often associate anger with negativity. But anger can be a driving force, and Giyu's sentiment here is actually more inspirational than it initially comes off as.

If Tanjiro gives into despair, he won't be able to avenge his family and move forward. Giyu tells him to use anger to his advantage instead. And if done correctly, most people can hone anger and frustration to work for them instead of against them.

13 “You Have No Choice But To Go on Living."

Demon Slayer Season 1, Episode 7

No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living -- no matter how devastating the blows, maybe.

This is another quote about Tanjiro's losses, but this one comes from Tanjiro himself. As one of the only members of his family left alive, he realizes that he has to go on -- even if the thought seems unappealing in his grief. And this is a revelation that many people need to face when experiencing loss. It can seem tempting to wallow and refuse to go on living, but ultimately, the "devastating blows" Tanjiro refers to need to be worked through.

12 "It's Okay To Do Things A Little Differently"

Demon Slayer, The Entertainment District Movie

Kyojuro Rengoku surrounded by beams of light while eating in Demon Slayer

It's okay to do things a little differently.

When facing potential defeat against Gyotaru, Tengen found himself remembering his past. He'd gone against everything he was taught by his past on the road to becoming a shinobi, and at times that left him feeling like he'd made too many mistakes. While unconscious on the ground, he saw Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku, who reminded him that it was okay to forge one's own path. This advice applies to so many aspects of life, whether slaying Upper Rank demons, or not.

11 "Just Like Me, They Were Human Too.”

Demon Slayer Season 1, Episode 2

Those who regretted their own actions, I would never trample over them. Because demons were once human too. Just like me, they were human too.

When Urokodaki first meets Tanjiro, he claims that the boy won't be a promising Demon Slayer if he continues to have empathy for demons. But Tanjiro's ability to empathize with others -- even those who don't deserve it -- actually proves to be one of his strengths as the anime continues. And this quote gives viewers some insight into why that is.

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Because of what's happened to Nezuko, Tanjiro understands better than anyone that demons were once human beings just like him. And even if he needs to eliminate them now that they've begun killing innocent people, Tanjiro still understands that they weren't always monsters. He doesn't take joy in defeating them.

10 “All I Can Do Is Work Hard! That’s the story of my life!”

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 2

All I can do is work hard! That's the story of my life!

It's clear from the first episode that Tanjiro values hard work, and this quote from him only drives that point home. In the beginning, he seems more than willing to do whatever it takes to support his family. And even after they're gone, he focuses all his time and energy on saving Nezuko and becoming the best Demon Slayer he can be. This is a simple quote, but it suggests that working hard will pay off in the end. And while there are always obstacles to take into consideration, there's no denying that hard work can be satisfying -- especially when it does bear results.

9 "All You Did Was Memorize A Fact."

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 3

All you did was memorize a fact. Your body has no clue what it needs to do.

Sabito tells Tanjiro this while they're training together, asserting that Tanjiro's inability to master his Water Breathing Technique is the reason he can't cut the boulder Urokodaki puts before him. And Sabito's commentary here is applicable to anyone who has studied something but hasn't yet mastered applying it in real life. Just because you generally know how to do something doesn't mean you have enough experience to actually master that skill yet. But practicing often can change that.

8 "It's Not About Going First. It's About The Overall Flow."

Demon Slayer, Season 1

Inosuke says this to Tanjiro during to Natagumo Mountain arc, and it's mostly a remark about Inosuke's fighting style. He acts on impulse rather than analyzing every detail of the situation like Tanjiro does, a method that isn't necessarily better or worse than the other boy's. But Inosuke's words ring true in situations outside of fighting, too. Being the first to do something doesn't matter if you aren't wholly engaged and doing your best at it.

7 "Don't cry, even if you have regrets!"

Demon Slayer: Mugen Train The Movie

Inosuke yelling as he wakes up in Demon Slayer.

Don't cry even if you have regrets! No matter how pathetic or humiliated you feel, you still have to go on living!

Inosuke has one of the most unique outlooks on life. He's prone to yelling, and he struggles to remember Tanjiro's actual name most of the time, so to hear him tossing out a thought so profound sheds whole new light on his character. Underneath his rough exterior is a heart of gold that knows how important it is to carry on living, no matter how awful life feels.

6 "Fate Is About To Take A Dramatic Turn."

Demon Slayer, Season 2, Episode 18

Kagaya Ubuyashiki smiling against a dark background

Fate is about to take a dramatic turn! The consequences will be widespread.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki has watched the darkness reign for a long time, but when he gets news about the Demon Slayers having defeated an Upper-Rank Demon, he was ecstatic. For the first time in his life, things were starting to turn around, which meant they would no longer be fated to suffer Muzan's eternal rule as the Demon King. Considering how sick he is, he imagined he would not see such a turn in his lifetime, but it was a glorious moment that was a long time coming. It's yet another reminder to never give up.

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5 "I Can Do It. I Know I Can Do It."

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 13

I can do it. I know I can do it. I'm the guy who gets it done, broken bones or not. No matter what, I can do it! I can fight!

Tanjiro's upbeat spirit carries him through all the terrible things he experiences during the first season of Demon Slayer, and his statement here highlights why he's able to overcome so much. He views himself as someone who gets things done, and he doesn't doubt his own abilities. Those components of Tanjiro's personality are ones many of us would benefit from adopting, and they'd certainly help viewers conquer their own self-doubt.

4 "If You Can Do One Thing, Hone It To Perfection.

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 16

Master Jigoro, Zenitsu's teacher in Demon Slayer against a sunset in the mountains

If you can do one thing, hone it to perfection. Hone it to the utmost limit.

Zenitsu's instructor, Jigoro, tells him this when he's training to master his Thunder Breathing, and it's a piece of advice that Zenitsu carries with him. We see evidence of this in the boy's flashbacks when he fights one of the Spider Demons on Natagumo Mountain.

And although Jigoro says this in reference to becoming a Demon Slayer, this quote is truly applicable to any craft. If you're talented at something, you should put your energy into honing that skill. And doing so "to the utmost limit" will likely result in becoming an expert.

3 “Don’t Ever Give Up."

Demon Slayer Season 1, Episode 17

Don’t ever give up. Even if it’s painful, even if it’s agonizing, don’t try to take the easy way out.

This quote is a sentiment that Zenitsu recalls during and after his fight with the Spider Demon on Natagumo Mountain. He's been poisoned and beaten down at this point, but he refuses to forfeit -- forcing himself to defeat the demon despite the physical pain he's in.

Refusing to give up, despite how uncomfortable one is, is a surefire way to achieve your goals. Zenitsu's right that taking the easy way out doesn't accomplish anything, and that's a piece of advice most people could take advantage of.

2 "But Anyone Who Creates Poison That Can Kill Demons Can Be Quite Amazing."

Demon Slayer, Season 1, Episode 15

I may be the only swords-lady among the Pillars who can't cut a demon's head off.But anyone who creates poison that can kill demons can be quite amazing.

This quote is from Shinobu, and it holds a powerful message within it. Although Shinobu could easily sulk about the fact that she's the only Hashira who can't cut a demon's head off, she instead decides to focus on what she can do, asserting that her strengths make her a powerful opponent in spite of her flaws. If everyone celebrated what they were capable of instead of fixating on what they're not able to do, we'd likely see a far more confident and talented society emerge.

1 "Set Your Heart Ablaze"

Demon Slayer, Season 2, Episode 7

Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train

If you are feeling disheartened, that you are somehow not enough, set your heart ablaze.

The Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku failed to achieve his mission, dying from a fatal wound. Tanjiro's sadness was overwhelming, as the incredibly powerful Hashira lay dying, but Kyojuro wouldn't stand for it. With his dying breath, he encouraged him to stay strong and set his heart ablaze, advice that would carry on through Tanjiro's journey. They barely knew one another, but the short time they shared side by side in battle was enough to reveal the kind of man Kyojuro was, and what a tragic void his death would create.