Shazam (recently known as Captain Marvel) is a boy-wonder whom DC fans love due to his heroics and outgoing personality. In the comics and in the film Shazamaudience's were thrown into a newly constructed version of the DC Universe that gives a much more fun feel to one of their heroes.

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He's a pretty likable hero, but when it comes down to it, he's only a boy. When thrown into the Marvel Universe, he would have a very specific set of heroes that would match his personality type and fighting style.


Deadpool Anatomy feature

This is a simple match made in comics because the two are one and the same just in different Universe's. Billy turns into grown man Shazam whenever he uses his magical shout, but his personality and maturity stays at age level.

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Deadpool is one of the more childish and sarcastic Marvel anti-heroes that goes about every situation with a joke involved. In battle, the two would hit it off with their fighting styles and overall nonchalant attitudes.

9 WOULD HATE: Scarlet Witch

Although Shazam uses the Shazam Wizard's Magic for all of his powers, one of his greatest banes is ironically also magic. High order magical energy can greatly affect that of his Wizard's power source which would be greatly inhibiting in a fight.

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Additionally, Scarlet Witch has a dark side to her and Shazam is a pretty innocent kid. The two would definitely clash if they met each other.


Although Iron Man is notoriously somebody that is difficult to get along with, nobody can doubt his respect for young superheroes (Spider-Man.) Iron Man and Shazam would definitely get along on and off the battle field.

Along with this, both have incredible flight speed and basically have the same color coordination in their outfits. It would only make sense that these two would greatly respect each other and would become friends.


Thor with lightning eyes in Thor: Ragnarok

One of Shazam's main weaknesses is electricity, which is Thor's strongest suit. If Thor's lightning interfered with that of Shazam's and vice versa, the two would definitely come into some conflict.

Secondly, Thor's a pretty likable guy to those who have their motives and chins on straight. This does not fit Shazam's description in any way. Whether the two were to try to use the force of lightning at the same time, or simply differing in opinions, they would definitely not get along.

6 WOULD TEAM UP WITH: Captain Marvel

Shazam and Captain Marvel

Shazam was formerly known as Captain Marvel and had to let go of the name when Marvel and DC came into some copyrighted conflicts within the comics. However, despite the name switch, the two kept their respective attributes and abilities, keeping them seemingly the same character.

Ultimately, the two would  get along because of their bombastic natures and their incredibly vast amount of power. Both are considered top dog in their respective universes.


In Shazam, the hero fights the Seven Deadly Sins in monster form. Whether the battles caused Billy Batson some child PTSD or not, he would definitely not like the Hulk. This one is unfortunate because it's not necessarily Bruce Banner's fault that Shazam wouldn't like him. It's simply because the kid has had bad experiences with monsters.

Ultimately, the big green guy would not bode over well with Billy Batson.


Spider-Man and Billy Batson are around the same age comparatively to the rest of both the DC Universe's and Marvel's heroes. The two would get along perfectly if they were to actually meet because they both battle the fears of growing up (one of the worst challenges out there.)

Peter Parker and Billy Batson would have mutual respect for one another and would help each other out fighting their battles on and off the battlefield.

3 WOULD HATE: Daredevil

Daredevil is an extremely complicated Marvel Hero that tries to mix his super-self with his ordinary self into one. He has a complicated backstory with several Marvel heroes and is overall extremely seasoned in his experiences. This is not at all how Shazam is.

Shazam actively fights evil knowing that he hardly knows what powers he possesses. Along with trying to figure out how he fits into society, Billy Batson would not understand the world of Daredevil by any means. Likewise, Daredevil would not know how to relate to Shazam.

2 WOULD TEAM UP WITH: Captain America

Captain America (Steve Rogers) would definitely side with the boy-hero. Steve Rogers grew from a soldier in World War 2 to Avenger all the while trying to figure out himself and how society reacts to his heroics. This matches perfectly with Shazam because he's a symbol for the good of society.

Additionally, Steve Rogers would see a little of himself in Billy Batson. They would relate on a personal level.

1 WOULD HATE: Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange, like Scarlet Witch, has main powers of magic and magical manipulation. Not only is this Shazam's weakness, but he also simply would not get along with the hero. Doctor Strange is intelligent and pompous; a character driven by his past experiences.

Shazam simply would not enjoy the magical hero being around and could never relate to him. Overall, these two would clash.

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