With Doctor Strange having set up a magical academy, a bit like Hogwarts, there are plenty of members of the Marvel Universe who perhaps should be considered to join the school as either teachers or students.

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However, as the members of the school continue to develop over time, there's quite a few DC characters who would fit into an institution like this for a variety of reasons. Here are 10 DC characters that we could actually see taking part in Strange's magical academy.

10 Zatanna

There are few better magical wielders in all of DC than Zatanna; she is, after all, one of the masters of the mystic arts. It makes complete sense that Strange would want to hire someone of her caliber as a teacher to set a good example for the students.

She's kind, considerate, patient, and infinitely talented. In fact, the professor role might suit her nicely, and we'd love to see her take part in a storyline like this in the future. What's more, she's the kind of person that could also pick a lot up from her own students.

9 Circe

Every big story like this needs some kind of impostor who is trying to turn the kids to the dark side. There are plenty of magic users to choose from, but one of the most manipulative witches in the DC Universe, is the woman of myth Circe.

She's corrupted many minds before, and, by disguising herself as a teacher, she could very well turn many of the students against the academy itself. Her dark magic is one that spreads and can be very attractive to those who are looking to gain power rapidly.

8 Sargon The Sorcerer

Sargon the Sorcerer is another character that would be interesting if serving as a teacher. He's had a long career and is one of DC's earliest magic users, but he's also been corrupted himself in the past, perhaps rounding out this story with Circe.

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He has a lot to teach, but he can be twisted into some darker stuff, as well. This kind of faculty member would work well within the school and could serve the plot by becoming a traitor amongst the group. If there's ever a DC iteration of the school, Sargon should absolutely be involved.

7 Madame Xanadu

Every magical school needs a strange mystic who tries to read the future and protects the school from a dangerous fate. Indeed, Hogwart's Professor Trelawney is a great example of this. The DC Universe has its own version of a character that could fill this role well.

Madame Xanadu is quite a quirky character who works as a mystic. She has quite a different skills from most of the other people on this list and perhaps can contribute something massive to Doctor Strange's academy in terms of predicting the future and working with cards, tea leaves, and prophecies.

6 Abra Kadabra

Abra Kedabra in DC Comics laughing evilly.

While there can sometimes be teachers who aren't quite who they say they are, oftentimes, it can also be fun to have students who are lying about true identity. Abra Kadabra is the sort of character that would absolutely try to sneak into this school.

His magical abilities are normally fake, and he instead relies on advanced technology to trick people into thinking his magic is real. However, there's a deep desire to be able to do this for real, so we could see him masquerading as a student to try to pick up a trick or two.

5 Doctor Occult

Doctor Occult is actually the earliest character in the DC Universe that is still being used, which certainly sets him apart from most. His history is rich, but it would be fun to learn that the Doctor actually studied in an early form of the academy.

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Indeed, if Doctor Strange's academy had an alumni list dating back hundreds of years, Doctor Occult would probably be one of the students that were used to advertise to new prospects looking to join. He really is a legend of the magical side of DC.

4 Tempest

Tempest from DC Comics using his magical abilities

Tempest might not be a totally recognizable character, but it's actually one of the alternate names that Aqualad has gone by. Alongside some of his amazing Atlantean abilities, he's also been known to demonstrate some incredible magical gifts.

Some of these powers have been too much for him, and he needs to learn how to use them better and actually control them. The Tempest version of the character would, therefore, be a great student for Doctor Strange's academy.

3 Nightshade

Nightshade talking and glaring in DC Comics.

Nightshade would also be an interesting character to have study under the master of the mystic arts. While she is certainly skilled, there's still a lot she is trying to learn about her unique gifts.

Her shadow abilities are incredibly complex, and, as such, she is still continuing to develop them. Bosting skills comparable to Strange himself, Nightshade would likely be able to guide her on the right path.

2 Timothy Hunter

Timothy Hunter is recognisable to those who have been following the Sandman universe and indeed has taken part in the Book of Magic series that is ongoing. Like many other young magicians, he is destined for greatness.

Despite the raw power that should be available to him however, Hunter's abilities show themselves only when they are desperately needed. He can use advanced magic, but he needs to be taught how to access his massive power at all times.

1 Enchantress

Enchantress is an interesting character, as it's more about the woman behind the possession than the witch herself. Dr. June Moone has been struggling with this alter ego for years, but perhaps Strange can help.

If Moone enrolled in the academy, she might learn how to control the Enchantress so that she can use all of her magical abilities for good. It's an interesting experiment and one that would make for some great reading.

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