Wired has the exclusive on David Lloyd's cover for the second issue of Occupy Comics, which shows a figure in the Guy Fawkes mask that Lloyd and Alan Moore brought to the world in V for Vendetta taunting a bull.

The second issue of the Occupy Comics anthology was released Monday, the first anniversary of the movement; besides Lloyd, the contributors include cartoonist Matt Bors, activist Bill Ayer, and artist Molly Crabapple, who lives near the Occupy site and was arrested at the first-anniversary event. (And check out the Occupy illustrations that Crabapple did for The Nation — before becoming part of the story herself.)

Editor Matt Pizzolo says the emphasis of the anthology has shifted in this second issue:

"While the first issue took a very intellectual approach to the movement, these stories strike at the emotional and spiritual heart of the movement," Pizzolo added. "The timing is perfect, because as year two begins there is a lot of soul searching about what the movement means and how it can evolve."

Revolution isn't easy, however; although both Wired and the Black Mask Studios site say the comic is available directly from the publisher, as of this writing it wasn't in the web store. It will be released to the direct market early next year.