Brian AzzarelloandCliff Chiang's three year run on "Wonder Woman"has comes to an end, and with their departure comes the arrival of Meredith and David Finch as the title's new creative team. While the husband and wife creative duo have spoken about the iconic character's upcoming journey in terms of storyline, when CBR News spoke with David Finch at Fan Expo Canada, we focused more on the design choices that were made while crafting the first issues of their run.

RELATED: DC Comics' "Champions of Justice" with Azzarello, Lemire, Pak and Finch

In talking about his take on the iconic character, Finch discussed sexy 'bad girl' comics from the '90s, his responsibility to female readers and Wonder Woman's outfit -- both on the page, and in the upcoming movie.

CBR News: This summer, the conversation revolving around your upcoming run on "Wonder Woman" has been whether she would be a feminist or not, and the direction of the story. But as the artist, I want to ask you about the design. Was there ever a desire on your part to design a different costume, make her more muscular, or anything like that -- or were you always happy with the more classic look?

David Finch: I feel like the design for the New 52 that she has right now is a bit of a compromise between the classic look. The shorts are a little more substantial, which I think looks nice. I like the look of the two stars versus all the little stars, which looks a little cleaner. I love the new outfit, and the one she has now is the one I'm drawing.

In Issue #2, she is wearing armor, and it's a really classic look for her. She's fighting the Amazons on Themyscira. It's not really a superhero-type scenario, so I wanted an outfit that would reflect that.

Right now in comics, there is really an effort to desexualize women, and make stories more accessible for the female readers. Does this affect your design choices considering the recent controversy with the "Spider-Woman" cover?

It absolutely does! It's in my head every day while I'm drawing.

I came up in the '90s, in the era of the 'bad girls' comics. There was some pretty exploitative stuff that was happening for a long time, and honestly, we really didn't think twice about it since our entire audience was men. Now, we look around at the convention, and the audience that's watching the movies, it's really everybody.

A character like Wonder Woman is really resonating with women in a way she hasn't since the '70s, when the television show was popular. So when I'm drawing, I'm really aware that we have a male audience, but we also have a female audience who want to relate with the character as a human being and not just an object. So yes, I'm very aware of that.

I want to ask you about the movie version of the costume, Gal Gadot's outfit. It seems very conservative as far as color and design -- are you a fan of this brown, Xena-style costume, or do you wish they'd gone farther towards the comic book style and added some more color and flare?

You know, I really like the design! I think it'll look great.

Yeah? [Laughs]

I think what works on-screen and what works on the page can be a little different, sometimes. Like with Superman's costume, you'll notice the red is a little more muted in the movies. I think Wonder Woman's costume will look beautiful on the screen.

In earlier interviews, you and Meredith stated that you wanted to take Wonder Woman a little more mainstream. Did you mean more from the design standpoint, the story, or both?

I feel like 'mainstream' was actually a poor choice of words, and it's not really completely what I meant. I think what Brian [Azzarello] was doing, it's a very accessible book -- so mainstream is not really what I meant, but she's going to be more integrated into the overall DC Universe.

Finally, I was hoping you'd settle a debate for me: If Wonder Woman had all her weapons, do you think she could take Superman?

[Long pause] You know, I don't know!. It's always so difficult to answer those questions because, under the right circumstances, I've seen Batman be more powerful than Superman. So it really depends on where they're fighting, and how they're fighting, and what the circumstances are, and -- I really don't know! I don't have a good answer for that.

That would be more for Meredith to answer! [Laughs] But I think she'd want her to win!

Meredith and David Finch's "Wonder Woman" run begins with Issue #36, on sale November 19, 2014.