The Sonic the Hedgehog movie really feels like a dream come true for fans of the franchise. This movie defied all the odds and actually was a very successful and relatively faithful videogame movie. This has opened the door for a sequel that could be even more faithful as the after-credits scene teased.

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However, no one has to wait for this Sonic story to be continued as there are tons of stories out there that can be followed right from home in the form of the many Sonic the Hedgehog comics. This list will be looking at ten of them and their very odd ins and outs.


The Sonic the Hedgehog series took its first venture into the world of comic books with the famed company, Archie Comics. This series featured some of the most weird twists and turns that no one could expect would hit anything that had the title, Sonic the Hedgehog on it.

It began as a usual Archie comic adventure, being mostly a comedic series. However, later on in the series it became a dark series starring Sonic and company as a rebel faction against the evil Dr. Robotnik. The series would come to a close in 2013.


Beginning in 2013 with issue #252 the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics series was rebooted following a lawsuit against the infamous former writer of the series, Ken Penders who was the one really taking the series into the weirdest places imaginable.

This lead to an Archie Sonic the Hedgehog series that favored the videogames more than ever while still sporting the little bit of extra detail in the storytelling department that the Archie series became so well-known for. Sadly after this reboot, the series was canceled after an IDW acquisition.


Before the acquisition of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic brand by IDW, Archie produced a spinoff series for the blue hedgehog called, Sonic Universe. While this series still followed the original Archie Comics timeline and was still related to it, it changed the format that the series ran by.

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Instead of the overarching story following the whole world, this series would bring in a different lead protagonist for each arc. These main characters went from Blaze the Cat to Silver the Hedgehog and more.


The Archie Sonic the Hedgehog series may have gone off the deep end a bit and changed things up a lot concerning the once simple world of Sonic but that doesn't mean that they completely ignored the lore of the videogames. In fact, this series actually adapted quite a few of the Sonic games in their own way.

This is the case with the Sonic the Hedgehog issues #74-#84, which many fans actually consider their own little thing. These issues cover the Sonic Adventure game and are somewhat able to be read as their own standalone story, although they may get fans hooked on the Archie series.


Archie was definitely the king of Sonic the Hedgehog comics and the amount of spinoffs that came from the series is definitely a testament to that. One of those spinoffs that were the most popular is definitely the run of Archie's Knuckles the Echidna, which of course starred everyone's favorite knucklehead Knuckles.

The story of these comics featured Knuckles searching for information on his species and the past of his culture. The series ended up getting canceled but Knuckes's stories continued in the normal series format.


At New York Comic-Con 2010 it was announced that Archie Comics and acquired the Mega Man brand and would be creating a Mega Man comic series alongside their currently running Sonic the Hedgehog. The series was well written and very successful due to the storylines and their faithfulness to the videogames.

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While this brand was never lost by Archie like Sonic the Hedgehog it was discontinued and said to still currently be on "indefinite hiatus" after issue 55.


One of the best things that came from Archie's acquisition of the Mega Man brand is the Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover comic series, "Worlds Collide." This series of comics was about these two universes coming together to fight against the combined forces of Eggman and Dr. Wiley.

One of the best things of this series was the fact that many of Sonic's allies were turned into Mega Man boss forms of themselves.


Another thing that came from the Mega Man brand coming to the Archie brand is its sequel "Worlds Unite." While this series may have been originally advertised as another Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man crossover series featuring future Mega Man, Mega Man X it was actually much more.

This sequel has been dubbed by many fans as Sega X Capcom, as the series features more faces from the Sega and Capcom brands than just the two true blues.


For the fans that can't let go of the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog series, there is the fan comic series, Archie Sonic Online. This series was created after the cancelation of the Archie Sonic comic by the fans and for the fans.

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It is a continuation of the series before the big reboot that keeps things going in the original Archie comic style as many fans had grown to actually love this oddball take on the Sonic the Hedgehog story.


The company that currently owns the brand rights to produce Sonic the Hedgehog comic books is IDW. This company has shown time and time again that they are very capable to take on just about any pop culture brand in their journies into the world of comic books.

They continue this tradition with this series that is very true to the videogames with its own, still fitting, spin on things. They keep a bit of a darker tone while still having things feel like Sonic. Not to mention, the art is absolutely amazing.


Another comic that is well-known by Sonic the Hedgehog fans is the British comic series, Sonic the Comic, usually dubbed Fleetway Sonic. This series is very different in tone from its American brother, Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog.

In this series instead of Sonic being the carefree jokester he's known to be, Sonic is actually a very flawed character in all the worst ways. Arrogant, rude, and very selfish. This turns off many fans but others still love it. It is very well known for its evil berserker version of Super Sonic, who is also dubbed "Fleetway Sonic".

NEXT: Sonic The Hedgehog: 5 Comic Book Speedsters Who Are Faster (& 5 Who Couldn’t Keep Up)