• Comic books used to be able to get away with a lot back in the day. 1 / 10

  • However, the public freaked out at enough content that the comic companies had to react. 2 / 10

  • So they instituted the Comics Code Authority and everyone calmed down. 3 / 10

  • However, in the 1960s, Warren Publishing started doing black and white comic magazines. 4 / 10

  • These magazines harkened back to the EC Comics days of the 1950s. 5 / 10

  • Why were they exempt from the Comics Code Authority? What gives? 6 / 10

  • It all comes down to how they were displayed. Magazines had less stringent policies, hence Playboy. 7 / 10

  • Mad Magazine famously was also exempt from the code because it was also a magazine. 8 / 10

  • So Warren was clear to push the envelope without fear of the Comics Code. 9 / 10

  • Marvel soon follow suit with their own non-Code magazines! 10 / 10