Today, we feature the cosmic character Jeff Ryan keeps asking for!



Introduced as a bit of a joke character (complete with a punderful name) in an issue of Peter David's Captain Marvel, it is a bit of a surprise to see Phyla-Vell, Quasar, become such a notable character in the Marvel universe, but I guess it makes sense, as she has quite the interesting pedigree.

First off, she is the daughter of the legendary Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell, but she only came about because her brother, Genis-Vell, destroyed and recreated the universe, with stuff slightly different, such as Phyla now existing, so she is sorta like Dawn Summers on the TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in that she did not originally exist when the show began.

After taking up the mantle of Captain Marvel for a time, Phyla eventually took off on a tour of the universe with her friend (and soon to be girlfriend), Moondragon.

While visiting her father's grave, though, Phyla was caught up in the Annihilation storyline, when Thanos kidnapped Moondragon. Phyla teamed up with some of the other rebels and helped defeat Annihilus. In fact, it was her taking the Quantum Bands from Annihilus that likely weakened him to the point where Nova could destroy him.

The bands had belonged to the previous Quasar, some guy named Wayne Vaughan or something like that.

Now Phyla had them, and they give her all sorts of awesome powers, including energy manipulation (sorta like a Green Lantern ring). So just like she had followed in the history of Captain Marvel, she now followed in the Quasar tradition, and became the new Quasar.

She did this just in time for a NEW cosmic threat to emerge - the evil Phalanx. She once again turned her powers to help the universe.

Soon after, Moondragon became a, well, actual moon...dragon.

They were still together, though, which is awesome - how many other superheroes date DRAGONS?

So yeah, Jeff, you're totally right - Quasar is a cool character. Thanks for suggesting her!