Obi-Wan Kenobi expanded the story of Star Wars' Owen Lars as the guardian of Luke Skywalker. The portrayal of the reluctant caregiver raised the specter of another "chosen one" guardian. Harry Potter's Petunia Dursley also found herself responsible for the care and protection of her newborn nephew. While neither would ever win parent of the year, it is fun to speculate as to which one made the better "chosen one" guardian in terms of parenting, protecting and guidance.

Owen Lars, the half-brother of Anakin/Darth Vader, and his wife Beru took custody of young Luke Skywalker upon the death of Padmé. Luke was spirited away in secret by Obi-Wan Kenobi and given to Owen and Beru on their moisture farm on Tatooine. Harry, likewise, was secreted away by Dumbledore and given to the care of Petunia Dursley and her husband Vernon Dursley. Both Owen and Petunia are wary of their charges having any involvement in the worlds that got their loved ones killed. Petunia clearly grieved the loss of her sister, even if the evidence was deleted from the original cut. Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed that Owen thought Anakin was dead. This grief ultimately colored every decision they both made as caregivers.

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Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Philosopher's Stone

When it comes to parenting Owen Lars wins handily. Even though a moisture farm seems like a dull place to grow up, it beats living under the stairs. Petunia and the Dursleys treated Harry as a burden, whereas the Lars family seemed to love Luke. Harry served as an ever-present reminder of what she had lost, and she just could not get past it. Owen might be gruff, but he provided Luke with plenty of blue milk and generally treated Luke like a son. While Harry Potter would have been upset if the Dursleys had died, it is unlikely his grief would have mirrored Luke's upon his aunt and uncle's deaths.

She might be a poor parent, but protection is where Petunia shines. By letting Harry stay with her, she extended impenetrable magical protection for Harry. Whether her attempts to keep Harry away from the wizarding world stemmed from a desire to protect Harry or just a hatred of magic is up for debate. Owen provided protection in the form of anonymity. This was much less effective than Petunia's magical protection and ultimately ended in the Lars' deaths. He did try to keep Luke far away from that "crazy old man," and this impulse was shown again on Obi-Wan Kenobi when he refused toys for Luke from Obi-Wan. Owen's actions had a clearer motive in a desire to protect, but Petunia wins here due to the strength of the magical protection.

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Owen Lars from the Kenobi series

Chosen ones typically go on a hero's journey and often get advice from the adults in their lives. Petunia and Owen's advice can best be boiled down to staying away from wizards and Jedi, respectively. Whereas Voldemort had to be defeated, Darth Vader had to be redeemed. Owen (and Beru) instilled in Luke a healthy respect for his ostensibly dead father, enabling him to see Anakin instead of just the villainous Darth Vader. The Dursleys' guidance is inadvertent by simply not spoiling Harry. This was certainly useful, but not as critical as what Owen offered. Guidance is another clear win for Owen.

There might have been a stronger debate over who was the better guardian before the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series. The series clarified Owen's motives greatly and give him a favorable portrayal. Petunia's protection is great, but when it comes to raising a chosen one, Owen Lars trumps Aunt Petunia easily.