Back in May the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took a fun approach to encouraging folks to prepare for disasters with a blog post about how to get ready for the zombie apocalypse. That post proved to be very popular, so they've followed it up with a comic on the same topic.

Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic was created in-house, the CDC's David Daigle told USA Today. The same article points out that the initial zombie blog post cost $87, to buy a stock photo as an illustration. "We got an estimate for the blog that it's worth $3.4 million in marketing value," Daigle said. So maybe lightning will strike twice with the comic.

Their timing, of course, couldn't be better, what with AMC's The Walking Dead returning to television this past Sunday. Both the show and the CDC claim Atlanta as a home, which has led Atlanta Magazine to declare the city "the Zombie Capital of the World."