There has been some controversy on the subject of the new MCU movie Captain Marvel. Never have the reviews for a Marvel flick been so uneven. Basically, it's a much lighter version of the "Last Jedi incident". With that said, there was one particular element that was unanimously praised. Carol Danvers' loyal, fierce, and... tentacled "cat". Like most MCU content, Captain Marvel included many details related to the character's comic book stories.

Every single main character in the movie is based on a previous comic persona. Goose, the feline alien, included. But including an already existing role, doesn't mean their story can't be changed. Even in unexpectedly odd ways. Goose is no exception, with both many similarities and differences to his comic book counterpart. So without further ado, let's take a look at some of those.


It's best to begin with the most obvious of differences. This isn't a comparison between movie Goose and comic book Goose. It's a comparison between Goose and Chewie. In other words, both iterations have entirely different names. However, there is a clear similarity between the two titles. Marvel Studios' decision to change it and what it was changed to is far from random. When Carol Danvers named her pet Chewie, it was an obvious nod towards fan-favorite Star Wars character, Chewbacca.

The animal's furry nature and the fact Danvers was traveling through space in a spaceship reminded her a lot of the adventures of Han Solo and his Wookie co-pilot. The movie did exactly the same, except they replaced Han Solo with Maverick, Tom Cruise's character from Top Gun. Goose is Maverick's co-pilot.


Goose is far from an ordinary cat. People who still haven't watched Captain Marvel may be scratching their heads, puzzled at all the attention the media is giving what seems to be a generically cute pet. Moviegoers understand it perfectly, but for many Marvel fans, there was no need to watch the movie to understand exactly what made the cat so special.

Goose's Flerken nature was lifted directly from the comics. Both Goose and Chewie are tentacled furry aliens and are both mistook for a household cat. The MCU chose to keep to the source material this time, and the overall audience reaction makes it seems like it was a very good decision.


Carol Danvers is not the original Captain Marvel in comic book history. Far from it, actually. Mar-Vell was the first to bear that name. Both characters appear in the movie, even if in very different ways to the comics. Goose's owner also suffered a drastic change, seeing as their not even the same person. Carol Danvers and Chewie are inseparable on paper, and she is the only person in the entire Marvel Comics universe that has or has ever had this relationship with the creature.

The Flerken was hers since its first appearance. In the movie, there is a very logical change. As Mar-Vell is portrayed as Danvers' mentor and is simultaneously a Kree alien, it's not strange to consider the possibility that the "cat" arrived with her. This is the case, and only after Mar-Vell dies, and Carol comes back to Earth, does Goose join her.


There is a very similar moment in the movie to one in the comics. When Nick Fury and Carol Danvers visit the Rambeau residence and find Talos there, the Skrull suddenly experiences a minor panic attack when he sees Goose. While everyone is puzzled, he explains that the cat is, in fact, a Flerken, a dangerous alien species. They all laugh it off and only realize the truth when she later shows her true nature.

The comics version of this takes place on a spaceship after Carol bumps into the Guardians of the Galaxy. As they're casually talking amongst themselves, Rocket quickly grabs his gun, aims at Goose, and starts firing off shot after shot. Captain Marvel protects her pet and angrily confronts the Racoon. He shouts back that there shouldn't be something as deadly as a Flerken on a ship, but she thinks he's gone crazy.


When it comes to a Flerken's powers, the comics went with the generic "scientist explains it in scientific terms" scene. Doctor Mohan, (more on him later), theorizes that these alien beings have access to pocket dimensions inside their bodies, where they can store all sorts of things. This includes tentacles, fanged mouths, and even eggs. Besides that, a Flerken can use these pocket dimensions to teleport.

The movie's Goose seems to fit this description as well (minus the teleportation), as we see its famous tentacles in action. There's also the fact it swallowed an Infinity Stone and stored it in its body with no sign of any problem. It's a pity Goose wasn't around for Infinity War, or he might have been able to stop Thanos, one Infinity Stone consumption at a time.


As has been said, Goose was first owned by Mar-Vell, before she died and Carol came back and took care of the animal. But as much as Goose is referred to as "Captain Marvel's cat", the movie sneakily changes this up a little. Who are we kidding? Goose isn't Danvers' pet, it's Nick Fury's. The relationship between future S.H.I.E.L.D director and Flerken/cat is beautiful. He's the real owner, not Carol Danvers.

The comics have Carol and Chewie develop a near-unbreakable bond, but Brie Larson's version completely ignores the creature the first time and then leaves it on Earth with... Nick Fury. If there is one unexcepted, yet hilarious change to the movie, this is it. Let's hope the relationship wasn't destroyed by that blinding scratch incident.


A person may have no knowledge of anything Marvel-related, be it comics or movies. But by just looking at the two versions of the Flerken, Goose would instantly be recognized as the live-action version of Chewie. When it came to casting the role of Goose, Marvel Studios was careful to bring in performers that looked identical to the comic book cat, down to the last tentacle. Then again it wasn't that hard of a job.

They just brought in a couple of orange furry cats and had them prance around. For those who might be wondering, the tentacles were CGI. Marvel has a knack for changing the appearance of secondary characters, (and sometimes main characters), in relation to their comic book look. But this time, they stuck to their roots.


Chewie is present, and so is Goose. But where did they come from? Interestingly, this is something that both mediums decided to completely avoid. In his first comic book appearance, Carol Danvers just happens to find Chewie hanging around while she's fighting. In Captain Marvel, the earliest we see the cat is in the air-force base with Mar-Vell. Later, when Danvers returns to Earth, Goose is just lying around the Project Pegasus base.

No one addresses where Flerkens come from, only how dangerous they are, and how much they look like cats. With that in mind, there is huge potential for both Marvel Comics and the MCU to conjure up an interesting tale, or to come up with some sort of fascinating revelations about the Flerken home planet.


One thing that Marvel fans love is when the movies make an effort to include scenes that are taken straight out of the comic books. The Civil War moment when Iron Man blasts Captain America's shield when they're fighting face to face is a near perfect recreation of a panel form the comic of the same name. The only scene in Captain Marvel, (at least until now), that fans were able to connect to an existing comic book page was centered around Goose.

While the heroes are on the run from the Kree on a giant spaceship, we finally see the Flerken in action. As soon as they're spotted, Goose lets loose his giant pink tentacles and swallows the soldiers whole. Turns out, that image from the movie is quite similar to one from a Captain Marvel comic book.


In 2014, Marvel released a multi-issue Captain Marvel story that focused on the discovery of Chewie's Flerken nature. It starts with Rocket Racoon's shooting spree and ends with the creature's 117 children being delivered to a rescue center with a certain Doctor Mohan (remember?). Flerkens may look like cats, but they sure aren't mammals.

Over the course of this story, the alien laid 117 eggs on Captain Marvel's spaceship before they hatched to reveal a multitude of baby Flerkens. We also learn that it is an endangered species, with Chewie being the last of her kind before her offspring came along. There are a lot of potential stories here that the MCU did not tackle... yet. Don't be surprised if Baby Groot and his adorableness are replaced by 117 baby Flerkens in Captain Marvel 2. 

NEXT: How Captain Marvel Sets Up A Sequel