Before he went and became the man behind "The Avengers," Joss Whedon was a little-known television scribe, toiling away on small-time properties. Ha! J/K, he was a hugely prolific television writer, producer and showrunner before he made his leap to the MCU. Unless you're really young, really sheltered or literally live under a rock, you've probably heard of the Whedonverse -- the happy family of television shows (and one very special movie) created by Joss Whedon in the 90's and 00's. Starting with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Whedon went on to give us "Angel," "Firefly" and "Dollhouse." While "Buffy" was by far his biggest hit, "Angel," "Firefly" and "Dollhouse" all went on to acquire their own cult followings and commercial successes. "Firefly," despite its single season, inspired enough faith in Paramount movie executives that they green-lit "Serenity" when Joss Whedon was looking for a way to continue the series after its cancellation.

Whedon's signature style informs all of his work, as does his propensity for using the same actors in different roles and different series. So, if you're a true Whedon fan, odds are you've seen at least a little of everything he's produced. This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of "Buffy," "Angel," "Dollhouse," "Firefly" and "Serenity." Each photo will feature a scene one of them, and your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to match the photo with the appropriate show or movie. Good luck!