• Bug was an original member of the Micronauts, who lived in the Microverse. 1 / 8

  • They were revived in Cable years after Micronauts ended, with Bug along for the ride. 2 / 8

  • Bug even got his own one-shot where he fought Annihilus. 3 / 8

  • The Microverse heroes popped up in various titles, like Alpha Flight. 4 / 8

  • They also showed up in Captain Marvel, during Peter David's run. 5 / 8

  • Then Bug inexplicably was in a Kree prison and no longer in the Microverse. 6 / 8

  • He joined the Guardians of the Galaxy but never explained how/why he left the MIcroverse. 7 / 8

  • He then returned to the Microverse and we never learned how he left. 8 / 8