Netflix's newest anime, BNA: Brand New Animal may be one of it's most captivating yet. The Studio Trigger series premiered on the platform June 30th and immediately became one of the most talked-about anime. With an original storyline, bright and flashy visuals, and anthropomorphic animals, it had all the makings of a hit.

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BNA: Brand New Animal is only twelve episodes long and has left a lot of fans wanting more. The show does a great job setting up a potential second season, but is that really necessary? Time and time again fans are disappointed in subsequent seasons, which leads viewers to wonder if BNA: Brand New Animal should stop while it is still ahead.

10 We Do: History of Beastman Can Be Explored Further

BNA: Brand New Animal had one of the most unique stories this anime season with the origins of Beastman and their lives alongside humans. While there was some background information provided, the first season barely scratches the surface on the lore and history.

The first season details a lot of the turmoil between humans and Beastman but a second season can explore the Beastman only history. It would be the perfect opportunity to explore the first-ever Beastman, if they evolved from humans, or if something went wrong in human genes.

9 We Don't: All The Major Problems Were Solved

Often times, we see anime seasons leave some issues undone in order to have a story for the next season. One of the most satisfying parts about BNA: Brand New Animal is the fact that all of the major plot points were solved. Fans don't have to wait for a second season to know the resolution of most of the issues.

While the story certainly allows for things that could be explored further in a second season, it is not necessary to the main storyline. If they decide to leave it as a one-season show, the ending was satisfying and does not leave its viewers to guess what could have been.

8 We Do: Deepen The Relationship Between Michiru and Shirou

Fans are currently torn on which pairing to "ship." Many see Michiru and Nazuna romantically while others see them as strictly platonic friends. Some fans are shipping Michiru and Shirou and some only see them as friends or a father-daughter relationship.

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Regardless of how people perceive the relationship between Shirou and Michiru, it definitely can be explored more. It was plain to see that they had a lot of conflicting beliefs and moments of not understanding each other. A second season would help deepen their bond, no matter what kind it is.

7 We Don't: Michiru and Nazuna Reunited

Fans came to BNA: Brand New Animal for the action and stayed for the drama. The drama being the up and down friendship between Michiru and Nazuna. Michiru and Nazuna have a somewhat tumultuous relationship once they are reunited due to their conflicting beliefs. Michiru believes Nazuna isn't doing the right thing and Nazuna believes that Michiru needs to mind her business and stop with the assumptions.

Luckily for fans or shippers of the pairing, Michiru and Nazuna got their happy ending. Nazuna was finally able to understand what Michiru was worried about and Michiru grew to a deeper understanding of what Nazuna wanted as the Silver Wolf.

6 We Do: More Information on Boris

Throughout the season, there are a lot of shady characters that reveal themselves and their true motives. One character whose story left a lot of room to speculate is Boris Cliff. Boris is alongside Nazuna when the Silver Wolf Order makes an appearance. He breaks Nazuna out of the research facility and uses her.

Michiru feels that Boris is creepy and even Nazuna comes around to see it. He also has that unexplainable encounter with Himoru Yaba. In the end, Boris just disappears after causing a world of mayhem. There's a lot of insinuating that Boris has a bigger role to play in the future. A second season can dig into his background and have him re-emerge as a villain.

5 We Don't: Alan Sylvasta Was The Perfect Villian

From the introduction of Alan Sylvasta, the CEO of Sylvasta Pharmaceuticals, viewers knew that something was not quite right. His appearance and sleazy way of speaking only fueled the fire that he was not who he pretended to be. When it is revealed in the end that he was a pureblood Beastman, everything made sense.

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Alan's motives to be villain were perfect for the storyline in BNA: Brand New Animal. His character showed the elitism in the Beastman species and his passing as human only elevated his evil. If there were to be a season two, they may not be able to replicate a villain with Alan's unique motives.

4 We Do: The Growth of Michiru's Powers

Michiru spends the entire season searching for a way to return to her human body in order to go back to her "old life." As she learns to live in Anima City and bonds with Shirou, Marie, the baseball team, and the others, Michiru starts enjoying her life as a Beastman. At the end of the season, she decides she will remain Beastman for a while longer.

This opens the door to so many possibilities for season two. Michiru just started figuring out the capabilities of her powers and it seems that there is so much more her body can do. A second season can extend Michiru's abilities and help her decide if she wants to stay a Beastman for good.

3 We Don't: Michiru's Fate Is Open To Interpretation

Michiru kagemori waving in BNA: Brand new animal

At the end of the season, Michiru decides to remain a Beastman hybrid. While this could be a reason to add a second season, it actually proves why one isn't needed. Throughout the show, viewers watch Michiru accept herself as a Beastman while still wishing she could return to her human life.

Michiru not making a decision allows for fans to decide what she ends up doing. She has enough reasons to either stay a Beastman or return for human life, so the possibilities on what happens next are endless.

2 We Do: Follow Up On What Will Happen With Humans and Beastman

The season ends in a pretty tight spot. Alan Sylvasta has just betrayed Mayor Rose and all of Anima City in order to make the Beastman destroy the city and each other. He enlists the Japanese Prime Minister to assist in taking down Anima City.

A second season is needed to highlight how Mayor Rose and the residents of Anima City can repair the relationships with humans and Beastman. Or it can also show how Beastman and humans separate themselves and move forward without each other.

1 We Don't: A Second Season Could Be Fanservice

There is no denying that this first season of BNA: Brand New Animal was nearly perfect. It is an original story with unique characters, and in twelve episodes, they started and completed a compelling arc. Since the anime is not based on a manga, the story has no source material to live up to.

If there were to be a second season, it can take away from the series as a whole. The studio may add plot points to serve as just fanservice or give the show fillers in order to expand it. Sometimes if it isn't broken, you don't need to fix it.

NEXT: BNA & Beastars: 5 Ways They're Similar ( & 5 Ways They're Totally Different)