In any Shonen action anime, there's going to be a handful of heroes who always save the day, and they are often role models for (typically male) readers. These heroes are selfless, make sacrifices, fight for others, learn more about themselves to become better people, and inspire the whole world. The same is true in Bleach.

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Ichigo Kurosaki is the hero of Bleach, and in fact, his first name is Japanese for "one defender." But Renji Abarai and Uryū Ishida are fine heroes too, and they get their fair share of time in the spotlight. That said, which one of them is more worthy of the title of Best Boy? Here are five reasons why Uryū deserves the title, along with five that legitimize Renji's claim to the throne.

10 Uryū: A good student

uryu ishida bleach

The human characters of Bleach are high schoolers, from Ichigo to Uryū, Orihime, Chad, and Tatsuki. Of them all, Uryū is the true teacher's pet! It takes discipline, brains, and a good character to be the #1 student in the class, and Uryū secured his spot at the top without a word of boasting.

This is bound to make him popular among his classmates who might want a few private tutor sessions!

9 Renji: His bond with Zabimaru

A Soul Reaper's Zanpakutō is no ordinary sword. In the hands of a skilled user, a sword's name and Shikai, its true spirit, can be unlocked and used in battle. Renji's weapon of choice is Zabimaru, and he can easily use its Shikai. But once he faced defeat, the spirit of Zabimaru approached him, and Renji unlocked new heights in his power. Only a true Soul Reaper could do that.

Later, against the Wandenreich, Renji did this again to manifest an even stronger Zabimaru! They are brothers in battle in every sense.

8 Uryū: his hobbies

orihime with a pink shirt bleach

What's life without a little fun? Pictured is a lovely shirt Uryū stitched up for Orihime, and he made new clothes for all his friends. Uryū has a deft hand in sewing, and he can make new duds for people and Kon alike (Kon feels ridiculous afterward, though).

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It shows how clever Uryū can be, and for what it's worth, we bet the girls love a man who can sew.

7 Renji: a helping hand

ichigo renji in the battle against Aizen bleach

Many of the heroes in Bleach are willing to lend a hand in combat, but Renji is the best at it. Not only did he make peace with Ichigo, but both of them partnered up against the seemingly invincible Captain Aizen and defied the odds.

Later, Renji worked well with Uryū to injure the Octavo Espada Szayelaporro Grantz, and his Shikai attacks helped Ichigo escape a swarm of the Exequias.

6 Uryū: Quincy master

uryu using ransotengai bleach

Not only is Uryū among the last human Quincy, but he's a bit of a wunderkind at it. Like his father, he's an excellent shot, and he unlocked many Quincy powers that only a seasoned expert could wield. In fact, Captain Kurotsuchi marveled that Uryū could use spirit energy threads to move his paralyzed body like a puppet, and Uryū's hirenkyaku (similar to a flash step) is lightning quick.

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Let's not forget that Uryū fought roughly on par with an Espada and can form smooth spirit energy brides when traversing the planes of existence.

5 Renji: steeling resolve with the battle chant

This moment came out of nowhere, but it was very welcome and showed Renji's great spirit. Once Ichigo's five-man squad arrived in Las Noches, they had to part ways, but Renji performed a pre-battle ritual to steel everyone's resolve in the face of steep odds.

Renji vowed that the five of them would return alive, and no doubt this inspired a little more courage in all his friends. What a fine thing to do!

4 Uryū: Learning under his grandfather

Soken Ishida is already deceased as of the events of Bleach, but we soon learn that he was Uryū's mentor and friend in childhood. Unlike Ryuken, who abandoned the Quincy cause, Soken was a dedicated Quincy and no doubt appreciated his grandson's passion and loyalty.

RELATED: Bleach: Top 10 Quincy, Ranked

Uryū could have easily turned his back on the Quincy way too, but he stood by his grandfather and helped keep the tradition alive. A grandson any man could be proud of!

3 Renji: a quick bankai

Indeed, Renji has a very good relationship with Zabimaru, and the payoff is huge: a Bankai! Not just any Soul Reaper can use this power, and according to Byakuya Kuchiki, anyone who can use it has their name etched in history for all time.

Renji manifested Hihio Zabimaru and used it to great effect in battle, learning as he went. Later, he unlocked a more advanced form of his Bankai (pictured). With it, he dueled Sternritter "S" Mask de Masculine, and won! Not just any Soul Reaper Lieutenant could do that.

2 Uryū: overcame prejudice

Although the Quincy and the Soul Reapers both fight hollows, these two groups did not get along. Quincy erase hollows for good, which upset the balance of souls, forcing the Soul Reapers to nearly wipe them out.

Uryū, at first, harbored a hatred for the Soul Reapers. But through Ichigo, he learned to get along with them, even helping to rescue Rukia and Orihime. It's not easy to overcome your prejudices, but Uryū did it and set a fine example along the way.

1 Renji: Loyalty to Rukia

Renji didn't rescue Rukia because Ichigo asked nicely. Both Rukia and Renji grew up on the streets together, and they both showed an aptitude for the Soul Reaper ways. They graduated from the academy together and started their careers, but never did they stop being friends.

Renji was conflicted when Rukia was slated for execution, initially taking his Captain's side regarding the matter. After Ichigo won their duel, Renji realized that he could never abandon his friend. He risked life and limb to rescue Rukia. By the time he and Ichigo reached the execution site on Sogyoku Hill, Ichigo tossed (yes, really) Rukia into Renji's arms to get her out of there.

NEXT: Bleach: Top 10 Captains, Ranked