Bleach is a classic shonen action story with Ichigo Kurosaki as its protagonist, and sure enough, Ichigo will make more than a few enemies and rivals on his quest to save the world. Ichigo made enemies with Captain Byakuya Kuchiki until they finally reconciled their differences, and not long after that, Ichigo faced Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, the sexta Espada.

RELATED: Bleach: Byakuya Kuchiki's 5 Greatest Strengths (& His 5 Weaknesses)

Grimmjow is one of the most competitive Espadas, determined to become the king of all of Hueco Mundo and prove his strength to the world. His animalistic instincts and motives are typical of most Hollows, and Grimmjow is quite a powerful villain overall. But he also has a few weaknesses that he ought to take care of if he really plans on becoming a king.

10 STRENGTH: His Melee Prowess

grimmjow bleach

Grimmjow isn't the type to rely on fancy tricks in combat, like his fellow Espada Zommari Rureaux. Instead, Grimmjow likes to get up close and personal to dispatch his foes, and he can do it with or without his zanpakuto, Pantera.

Grimmjow can use his bare fists and kicks to pummel his foes if they aren't worth using his sword on, or if there is not enough room to use his zanpakuto effectively. He brutally beat Ichigo once, then did the same to Loly and Menoly.

9 WEAKNESS: He Jumps The Gun

grimmjow bleach

Overall, Grimmjow is a hotheaded and enthusiastic Espada who can't wait to dive into the thick of the action, but this attitude can be used against him. Grimmjow can easily be baited into jumping into an unfavorable battlefield, and he might get himself into trouble this way.

This also means that Grimmjow is a poor teammate since he likes to jump right into the thick of things without waiting for his patient teammates to follow him. He once annoyed his fellow Espada Yammy Llargo by running off to fight Ichigo rather than stay and help the other Espadas fight.

8 STRENGTH: His Animal Instincts

grimmjow bleach

Grimmjow isn't afraid to get in touch with his animal side, which sets him apart from the refined warrior Nelliel or the scientist Espada Szayelaporro Grantz. Grimmjow didn't change much when he went from an Ajduchas panther Hollow to an Arrancar, and he still calls himself a Hollow at times.

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This means that Grimmjow has strong instincts that tell him when to attack and when to flee, and he will ruthlessly exploit any weakness or opening that he can find in battle. He is indeed like a panther, chasing after bleeding prey.

7 WEAKNESS: He'll Turn On Allies

grimmjow ulquiorra bleach

Grimmjow is very selfish as a whole, and he is willing to crush anyone who gets in his way, whether they are friend or foe or innocent bystanders. Grimmjow is the type to turn on his allies if they try to hold him back or steal the glory, and Grimmjow really gets carried away in times like these.

For example, Grimmjow killed two fellow Espadas, Loly and Menoly, as part of his quest to find and fight Ichigo again (Orihime Inoue soon healed them). Grimmjow even turned on his fellow Espada Ulquiorra Schiffer and trapped him in a pocket universe, denying Sosuke Aizen the use of Ulquiorra during that time.

6 STRENGTH: He's Highly Motivated To Become King

grimmjow laughing bleach

Grimmjow is aware that Hueco Mundo is a dog eat dog world, and the rulers of this land are the most brutal and ruthless Hollows of all. Grimmjow is determined to reach the top of this cannibalistic food chain, and he never let go of his dream to become #1.

RELATED: Bleach: 10 Main Characters Grimmjow Can Beat

Grimmjow, as an Adjuchas, roamed Hueco Mundo and took down Hollows much larger than himself, all to become stronger and evolve into a Vasto Lorde someday. He continued that quest as an Arrancar, pushing him to new heights of power. He's certainly not complacent.

5 WEAKNESS: His Quest Is Futile

grimmjow luppi bleach

Grimmjow would be pretty upset if this was pointed out to him, but it's still true: his quest to become king of Hueco Mundo is a doomed venture. Even if Grimmjow succeeded, he would end up eating everyone his way, as Ichigo put it, and Grimmjow would be all alone.

That's an empty and pointless way to conquer Hueco Mundo, and Grimmjow would no doubt get bored pretty fast if he ended up in that position. And no one would be impressed, anyway, because either they'd resent him, or they'd already be dead and gone.

4 STRENGTH: His Agility

grimmjow fighting bleach

Grimmjow does not have the fastest sonido; that distinction belongs to Zommari. But he is still a very fast Arrancar, and Grimmjow is always moving during battle. He combines his sonido with his good instincts to evade enemy attacks and ambush them from unexpected angles.

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Grimmjow can leap and pounce across the battlefield like a cat, and this throws off his enemies' aim while he approaches them for the kill. Even Ichigo, when using his bankai, had trouble landing a blow on Grimmjow, who proved to be a slippery opponent each time they fought.

3 WEAKNESS: Single-Track Mind

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez In Bleach

Grimmjow has many bodily strengths, but his personality and worldview really slow him down. Grimmjow enjoys forming intense rivalries, such as with Ichigo and Ulquiorra, but this may lead him to ignore other, even better opponents to fight since he's so fixated on his grudges.

What is more, Grimmjow might pick a fight with someone even stronger than him, then refuse to give up the feud until one or the other is destroyed. Grimmjow would rather lose to a superior rival than admit defeat and find a better foe to face.

2 STRENGTH: His Sense Of Honor

grimmjow bleach

As a whole, Grimmjow has a pretty unsavory personality, but he does have one noble aspect to him: his sense of honor and fairness on the battlefield. It's his one redeeming trait as a fighter, and he carefully balances his sense of fairness with his burning desire to crush all his enemies and become the king.

Slaughtering a helpless enemy is no fun; Grimmjow will go as far as to aid or heal his bitter rival, so he can face them on fair ground and prove that he really is their superior. He had Orihime heal Ichigo so they could settle their rivalry fairly, without Ulquiorra's interference.

1 WEAKNESS: He Has No Subtlety

ichigo vs grimmjow

Grimmjow has a straightforward fighting style, blending his considerable strength with his panther-like agility and his quick sonido. He is capable of taking his enemies by surprise, such as discarding his zanpakuto to fire two cero blasts at once, that he doesn't get any trickier than that.

Clever opponents with diverse abilities or kido spells can take advantage of this since Grimmjow fights on a "what you get is what you see" basis. By contrast, tricky Arrancars such as Aaronerio Arrurruerie and Zommari tan turn the tables with their tricky abilities and defeat opponents who are actually stronger than they are. Grimmjow can't do that.

NEXT: Bleach: 10 Awesome Grimmjow Cosplays You Must See