Netflix's Stranger Things has been an enormous hit, having won 63 awards since its premiere in 2016. It's easy to see why the show is so popular. Stranger Things features great characters, an intriguing premise, and combinations of horror, coming-of-age, and mystery elements.

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While Stranger Things has many perks, the show also has its fair share of problems. As Stranger Things goes on, fans have been pointing out the series' flaws. Season 4 Volume 1 released on May 27, and it sparked tons of conversations about the problems in the overall show.

10 Will Hasn't Been Properly Utilized Since Season 2

Will Byers in Stranger Things 4 Vol. 1.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Stranger Things focused on Will Byers and his connection to the Upside Down. Although he wasn't seen very much, season one mainly revolved around rescuing him from the Demogorgon. Will received more screen time in season 2, as a host to a monster known as the Mind Flayer.

After the release of Stranger Things 2, the Duffer brothers promised that the Byers would be getting a break and that Will would be safe from the monsters. While he no longer had to worry about Demogorgons, Will's character suffered for it and he was cast aside.

9 Eleven Constantly Saving The Day Has Become Boring

Eleven and Spider Monster

Fans of Stranger Things have begun to notice certain patterns in the show's finales, and the biggest criticism involves Eleven. While there were several similarities in the Stranger Things finales, viewers have been getting tired of Eleven showing up and saving the rest of the cast.

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Season 3 ended with the promise of something different because Eleven wouldn't have her powers to protect everyone else. This idea was exciting and new, but rather than exploring the conflict, Stranger Things just introduced a way to get her powers back.

8 The Actors Have All Grown Up

Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Eleven in Stranger Things Season 1

One of the charms of Stranger Things earlier seasons was that all the characters actually looked their age. The actors have been praised by both critics and fans, who have marveled at their talent.

Unfortunately, thanks to delays and COVID-19, the cast of Stranger Things has outgrown their characters, and now look older than the characters they're playing. Season 4 of Stranger Things showed the younger characters entering high school for the first time, but the general feeling surrounding that plot line was soured by the visible age difference in the cast.

7 There's Never A Risk Of A Main Character DyingStranger Things Season Four Cast Eddie

Stranger Things has been known to kill off their new characters in every season, and it's been hurting the show in the long run. Season 4 proved how harmful this pattern is, especially because it undermined the seemingly powerful enemies.

Vecna was supposedly the villain behind it all, puppeteering the Mind Flayer and Demogorgons since season 1. This reveal made the finale much more dissatisfying, though, as not one main character died from the "unbeatable" monster. Viewers are able to go into every season of Stranger Things with the assumption that the main characters will turn out okay because they've never been proven wrong.

6 The Show Hasn't Been Able To Recapture The Feeling Of Season 1

Joyce Byers in Stranger Things with her Christmas lights.

Stranger Things' first season is most fans' favorite for a few reasons. Season one boasted the mysterious Upside Down, which was new to viewers, and the Christmas lights scene was both masterful and iconic. Additionally, season one perfectly represents small-town life, an atmosphere that's lost in its later seasons.

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Stranger Things 2 tried to match the famous light scene with Will's many drawings, but it was far less impactful. Season 4 tried the same thing with Nancy discovering how Will affected the lights in the Upside Down, but the mystery surrounding the Upside Down and the tone of season one was well and truly in the past.

5 Kali Hasn't Been Mentioned Again After Season 2

Kali/8 - Stranger Things 2

Season 2 of Stranger Things introduced viewers to a new character named Kali, or Eight. Another subject from Hawkins Lab, Kali had supposedly escaped from the institution. The plot line surrounding Kali and her relationship with Eleven was disliked by most fans, which may be why Kali was never mentioned or seen again.

Nevertheless, viewers have been wondering why Kali wasn't mentioned in season 4, which had a subplot centered around Eleven's time in the lab with the other children. Several fans also wondered why Kali wasn't called for help in the fight against Vecna, especially since he was perceived to be the biggest threat to Hawkins and the world.

4 There Are An Unreasonable Number Of Plot Holes In Season 4

Robin, Steve, and Nancy in the Upside-Down - Stranger Things 4

To some fans, season four is the best season of Stranger Things. As the season unfolded, though, fans began to notice a significant number of plot holes, and the release of Volume 2 only added to this problem.

While some mistakes understandably slip by in the production process, the number of plot holes in Stranger Things 4 simply doesn't make sense. Eleven's struggle with talking is an enormous part of the earlier seasons and are referenced in season 4. As such, her talking in the lab during flashbacks doesn't add up.

3 Eleven's Powers Have Been Getting More Complicated

Eleven facing a Demogorgon in Stranger Things

Eleven's powers are a huge part of what makes Stranger Things an interesting show, and they're a big part of why many people love her character. Something that rubbed viewers the wrong way, though, is how complicated Eleven's powers seem to be getting.

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In Season 4 Volume 2, Max is killed by Vecna and is mourned by both Lucas and Eleven. The scene is devastating, but the emotion is almost immediately reversed when Eleven says "no" and a text that reads "two days later" is displayed on a black screen. Stranger Things reveals that Max is still alive, but is in a coma. Viewers now wonder if Eleven has the power to bring people back from the dead.

2 The Introduction Of The Russian Characters Ruined The Small Town Feeling

Stepanov in Stranger Things 3

Stranger Things is set in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. Hawkins provided a lot of the show's charm in season one. Viewers were able to learn more about the town and its residents with each season, which proved to be a strength for the show. The consistent threats that only appeared in Hawkins made for an interesting concept that felt personal to the main characters.

Season 3 broadened the show's scope and involved Russian characters in the main plot, forcing the problems that were once exclusive to Hawkins out into the world. It's unclear why the Russian characters were included in the first place, but the small town atmosphere that Stranger Things was praised for hasn't appeared again.

1 The New Characters Getting Killed Off is Repetitive

Eddie's death in Stranger Things 4 Volume 2.

Eddie Munson's death in Stranger Things saddened many fans, but it also shone a light on a rather frustrating trend in the show. Each season, a peripheral character is introduced and then killed off. Season 1 featured Barb, season 2 introduced Bob Newby, season 3 brought in Alexei, and fans met Eddie in season 4, all characters who have died.

Viewers have been quick to point out this pattern and while some fans have made jokes about it, others are growing bored. This trend cheapens Stranger Things, as it feels like new characters are just tools to save the creators from having to kill off one of their original heroes.

NEXT: Every Episode Of Stranger Things Season Four, Ranked