Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen the reconciliation of long-forgotten film entries from Phase One. The biggest contributor to this has been The Incredible Hulk, which has had nearly all of its loose ends revisited from Abomination to The Leader's upcoming return in Captain America: New World Order. Not only has this been great for fans of the Hulk, but it's also a great opportunity for fans to speculate over what else could get revisited in upcoming projects.

One film that has become a hub for fans to wonder what could be included in its cast has been Thunderbolts. Not only have past villains and anti-heroes been greenlit to return, but there's also the possibility that another MCU character could return for a larger role. In this case, a Reddit theory could bring back Betty Ross from The Incredible Hulk, not as a side character, but as a famous alter-ego yet to be seen -- Red She-Hulk.

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What Happened to Betty Ross in the MCU?

Liv Tyler as Betty Ross in 2008's The Incredible Hulk

In The Incredible Hulk, Betty Ross was both a colleague and romantic interest to Bruce Banner during their biotech force enhancement experiments with Gamma Radiation. However, the two were lied to by her father, General Ross, who believed they were working to heal people. Following the creation of The Hulk, Betty wasn't seen until Bruce made his way back to her life in America. But when Bruce was forced to run again at the end of the film, he never reconnected with his lost love.

While it hasn't been confirmed what happened to her after the film, it's possible that her comic original as Red She-Hulk could be reworked to better fit the story. In this case, this would mean Betty's death at some point before Thunderbolts and her body being used to become the Red She-Hulk. In the comics, she was also used to performing many dangerous missions, and due to her slightly antagonistic personality, she could even be viewed as a villain in some circles.

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Would Betty's Return as Red She-Hulk Work?

red she hulk

The Thunderbolts have always been about making good with the second chances that are given. As a result, having Betty return as the far more dangerous Red She-Hulk could be a chance for her to find her humanity again and possibly rekindle her romance with Bruce. It would also show that even though Bruce has gone his own way, a legacy of characters tied to him continues on. But more importantly, her appearance could offer a much more powerful kind of muscle sorely needed on a team of mostly super-soldiers.

Another great reason Red She-Hulk would be a fine addition is the homage to her father, General Ross, played by the late William Hurt. His character was later turned into the Red Hulk and became a member of the Thunderbolts. Therefore, having Betty return in a Hulk form would continue his legacy and also homage to how his character was once a part of the team. As the MCU continues to evolve, it won't hurt to have Betty reappear.