• The narrative around the Wii U is that the system was a blatant failure. 1 / 8

  • However, the Wii U has more merit than many let on. 2 / 8

  • In fact, the few shortcomings of the Switch make the Wii U's strengths apparent. 3 / 8

  • The Wii U is the definitive place to experience Nintendo's back catalog. 4 / 8

  • From NES to Wii, so many classics (and hidden gems) are accessible here. 5 / 8

  • Its exclusives are also so good that the lion's share have been ported to Switch. 6 / 8

  • The user experience and Miiverse also made the Wii U feel dynamic. 7 / 8

  • There’s a strong case for the Wii U being one of Nintendo's most essential machines. 8 / 8