Gensin Impact continues to grow, adding new stories, areas and characters. Players have numerous characters to choose from that are unlocked through the game's loot box system, Wishes. Some characters, however, are also unlocked through special in-game events. Each character has a designated elemental power, chosen from Hydro, Pyro, Anemo, Geo, Electro, and Cryo. Players can combine elemental attacks on the battlefield to execute the best attacks dealing the most damage.

RELATED: Best Geo Characters in Genshin Impact, Ranked By Attack

When Genshin Impact players are selecting their team of four characters, there is a good variety of Hydro users to select. Players will want to look at attacks and buffs, seeing which elements can combine in order to create a team that suits their play style. Each character starts with low stats, but can be upgraded through Ascension levels which raise stats and unlock Talents. Talents can offer offensive and defensive boosts or enhance item procurement.

7 Barbara Starts At 13-34 And Maxes At 148-159

Barbara from Genshin Impact.

Players can obtain Barbara, the prominent idol and deaconess of the Church of Favonius, through the Baptism by Song event. She wields a catalyst with up to four normal strikes, a charged attack, and plunging attack, all of which deal Hydro damage. With her elemental attack Let The Show Begin, Barbara generates water droplets in a spinning circle around her briefly.

These droplets apply the Wet effect to enemies they touch, as well as generating a Melody Loop that generates HP for Barbara as well as extra HP regeneration based on landed attacks during its duration. Her second attack, Shining Miracle, is an elemental burst that heals party members and nearby teammates for a large amount of HP. Barbara is much more of a supporting character than an attacking one.

6 Xingqiu Starts At 17-43 And Maxes At 188-202

Xingqiu from Genshin Impact.

Xingqiu is a self-proclaimed practitioner of the Guhua Clan's arts and wielder of a sword. His standard attack allows up to five consecutive strikes, his charged attack allows two rapid strikes, and he has a standard plunging attack. With Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen, Xingqiu performs two rapid strikes that deal Hydro damage and creates Rain Swords that orbit him. These swords abosorb damage when he is hit up to a max of 24% per hit, and explode on impact.

RELATED: Best Anemo Characters in Genshin Impact, Ranked By Attack

With his second attack, Guhua Sword: Raincutter, Xingqiu initiates Rainbow Bladework and summons the max number of Rain Swords as well. With Rainbow Bladework, he calls down rain swords from the sky to deal Hydro damage with every normal attack performed. With his Hydropathic Talent, one of the Rain Swords explodes and regenerates some of the current character's HP.

5 Sangonomiya Kokomi Starts At 18-47 And Maxes At 218-234

Sangonomiya Kokomi from Genshin Impact.

Sangonomiya Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of the Watatsumi Island and a catalyst user, meaning she casts Hydro elemental energy as her weapon. Her plunging, charged, and normal attacks all deal Hydro damage, though her normal attack, while it looks like swimming fish, only allows up to three consecutive strikes. With Kurage's Oath, she summons a jellyfish spirit, Bake-Kurage, that heals allies but applies the Wet effect to herself. The Bake-Kurage also deals Hydro damage to enemies and heals nearby teammates while active.

When Sangonomiya Kokomi casts Nereied's Ascension, she casts a large Hydro blast to damage enemies and also cloaks herself with a watery Ceremonial Garment. This gives her a buffed state where her normal and charged attacks receive a damage boost as well as restore HP for all nearby party members when she hits opponents. She can also walk on water during this state.

4 Yelan Starts At 19-49 And Maxes At 227-224

Yelen from Genshin Impact

Yelan claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs but is actually the head of the Yanshang Teahouse. She wields a bow with up to four consecutive normal attacks, and both her charged and plunge attacks deal Hydro damage. Her elemental attack Lintering Lifeline has two forms.

Pressing the input makes Yelan perform a quick dash through enemies, dealing Hydro damage, while holding the input allows the player to control Yelen's dash through enemies for a few seconds. Her second attack, Depth-Clarion Dice, generates an elemental burst that deals Hydro damage in an AoE. It also generates an Exquisite Throw, an aide that fires orbs at the enemy in tandem with Yelan's normal attacks.

3 Mona Starts At 22-58 And Maxes At 267-287

Mona  from Genshin Impact

Mona is a proud astrologist of Mondstadt who is a catalyst user, meaning she generated Hydro energy directly for attacks. Her normal attack allows up to four orbs of water to be cast while the charged and plunge attacks also deal Hydro damage. With her elemental attack Mirror Reflection of Doom, Mona casts a water spirit that draws the attention of enemies.

It deals out Hydro bursts to damage enemies and explodes at the end of its duration, dealing a large amount of Hydro damage. When Mona uses Stellaris Phantasm, she casts a large AoE puddle with an initial burst, creating the Illusory Bubble. Enemies in this bubble area are given the Wet status and rendered immobile. If they are weaker opponents and they take a hit, there is a damage boost applied.

2 Kamisato Ayato Starts At 24-61 And Maxes At 278-299

Kamisato Ayato  from Genshin Impact

Kamisato Ayato is the head of the Kamisato Clan and brother of Kamisato Ayaka as well as Yashiro Commissioner. He wields a sword with standard charge and plunge attacks, while the normal strike allows up to four consecutive hits. His elemental attack Kamisato Art: Kyouka shifts him into the Takimeguri State, where he teleports and leaves behind a water hologram that explodes and deals Hydro damage.

RELATED: Best Cryo Characters in Genshin Impact, Ranked By Attack

This state also speeds up Kamisato Ayato's normal attack and converts the damage to Hydro damage, but prevents him from using charged or plunging attacks. His second elemental attack, Kamisato Art: Suiyuu, generates an AoE field that boosts normal attacks of party members within and rains down Bloomwater Blades for the length of its duration. These water droplet blades deal Hydro damage.

1 Tartaglia Starts At 23-61 And Maxes At 280-301

Tartaglia from Genshin Impact

Tartaglia, also known as Childe, is the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers and wields a bow. His normal attack allows up to six shots, but his charged attack, when fully charged, fires a precision shot that deals Hydro damage and applies the Riptide status to enemies, dealing damage over time. With Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, Tartaglia shifts into a melee stance, creating blades made of water to use as weapons. In this stance, he has normal and charged attacks that deal Hydro Damage. If he hits an enemy with Riptide status he deals Hydro AoE damage as well.

His elemental burst attack, Havoc Obliteration, has a different effect depending on his stance. In Ranged stance, he fires a Hydro charged arrow for massive AoE damage and applies the Riptide status. In the Melee stance, he deals a massive Hydro damage AoE slash that also applies Riptide status to enemies.