One of the most exciting mechanics in Avatar: The Last Airbender is, of course, the bending. The skillful manipulation of elements to one's own will allows characters to come up with unique ways to work, perform, and, most importantly, fight. Debates within the fandom of the series rage about who the would win in fights, who could resolve this situation, and, of course, who's the stronger bender. While each of the four forms has their masters, it's true that in a head to head battle only one can come out on top.

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One beloved aspect of Avatar: The Last Airbender is the number of incredible characters, both protagonists and antagonists. Two that stand on opposite sides are Katara, waterbending extraordinaire and staple member of Team Avatar, and Azula, Fire Nation princess and firebending prodigy. When these two powerhouses collide, who wins? While fans have seen the two fight before, there's still a chance to take a closer look at who between the two is truly the stronger bender.

10 Better Offense: Azula

One of the easiest ways to determine which of the two characters is stronger is to look at combat capabilities. For that, it has to be said that Azula has the offensive advantage. Firebending lends itself well to offensive techniques, as well as lightningbending, both of which Azula has proven time and time again to be highly skilled in.

In combat situations, Azula has consistently proven her talent, being able to take on multiple opponents at once and still come out on top. That doesn't happen on accident; rather, it's a clear and obvious testament to Azula's superior offense.

9 Better Defense: Katara


Even if Azula attempted to overwhelm Katara with her offense, Katara's defense would still give her a run for her money. Waterbending is based on the Tai Chi style of martial arts, a style that emphasizes using an opponent's power against them, which gives Katara a combat edge.

While waterbending may not seem inherently defensive, Katara has shown in countless fights how good she can be at playing defense. What Azula brings to the table offensively, Katara can more than challenge with her defensive talents.

8 More Destructive: Azula

Firebending is not inherently destructive, but the methods that Azula utilizes it to her own advantage definitely makes it so. Take, for example, the fight she has with Aang. Azula is able to utilize her blue flames in such a way that they completely destroy Aang's crystal armor. Seeing fire do that to earth is definitely intimidating.

Coupling well with her offensive capabilities, Azula's destructive advantage would leave little room for an opponent to gain footing for a solid counter-attack both figuratively and literally. Between her powerful blue flames and command of lightning, Azula can certainly wreak havoc if she wanted to.

7 More Versatile: Katara

The versatility that waterbenders posses is enviable. Because water takes several forms, they can be subsequently manipulated. Regular water is easy enough, but ice, mist, plants, and even blood all fall under the command of waterbending masters.

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In addition to the state it can be manipulated in, water can also be utilized in unique and imaginative ways. Fans have seen Katara use water to extend her limbs, to bind enemies, and shield allies. This advantage allows her to maintain the element of surprise; if Katara is clever enough to think to bend her own sweat, it's certainly not beyond her to outwit even the most aggressive enemies.

6 Less Restricted: Azula

Waterbenders are arguably hindered by one primary factor: They require a source in order to bend. While some may argue that the most powerful waterbenders can produce water out of the air like Hama was able to do, it's certainly clear that Azula's bending is far less restricted.

Azula's bending is a skill that she can call upon regardless of its presence as firebenders do not require pre-existing fire to bend. This is an advantage that firebenders have over other bending styles and makes their combat ability the least restricted of all bending styles.

5 Elemental Advantage: Katara

ATLA Katara using the water whip

Waterbending, interestingly enough, has been shown to be effective against all bending styles. Against air, a solid ice wall can be a fantastic defense. Against earth, Hama demonstrated the ability to cut clean through stone. Against another waterbender, the fight could go on for hours. As for fire, that one kind of goes without saying.

Of course, fans may argue that Azula's lightning can put a quick stop to Katara. While this may be true, it also puts Azula at risk; if there's any water on her, lightning bending may prove to be just as hazardous for herself. Even if she did manage to stay completely dry, Katara does have the skill of bloodbending up her sleeve which she could utilize in a pinch if she needed to (assuming, of course, that the moon is full).

4  Natural Talent: Azula

Since childhood, Azula has been a prodigy. She has excelled at firebending to a point that her father, Fire Lord Ozai, would praise her for it. If that's not a clear indication of her talent, her signature blue flames certainly should be; a detail in firebending that indicates her power.

This talent was only further refined undoubtedly by the best firebending instructors money could buy, considering Azula's status as a member of the Fire Nation's royal family. The result? One of the most impressive firebenders to have ever lived.

3 Extensive Training: Katara

There is one factor about Katara's training that makes her undeniably strong: She has traveled the world with the Avatar. She's learned bending techniques on her own and from masters, she has been in situations to apply those techniques, and over time has had the opportunity to master them throughout her numerous adventures. This gives her a unique edge.

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Consider that Katara not only trained alongside the Avatar, but she also helped him perfect his waterbending technique as Aang's instructor. Having those kinds of training credits speak to Katara's skill just as much as her combat prowess does.

2 Fighting To Win: Azula

The main driving force behind Azula's strength is her unquenchable desire for victory. Time and time again, Azula has shown that she wants to be at the top. She's meticulous, cunning, and will burn down anyone that stands in her way. Not ever her familial ties with her uncle or brother are too sacred. This is what makes Azula truly ferocious.

Such a strong desire for winning is hard to beat, and fans of the series are undoubtedly familiar with the trope of stubbornness and willpower being all a character needs to overcome and succeed. It can only be imagined, then, what Azula would have accomplished had things continued to go her way.

1 (Winner) Fighting To Protect: Katara

Another edge that Katara has over Azula is the mastery she has over her emotions. Throughout her journey with Aang, Katara grows and matures. She has demonstrated that she doesn't fight solely to win. When Katara could punish Hama for putting her friends in serious danger and causing the disappearances of Fire Nation citizens, she refused. When Katara had the opportunity to take revenge on Yon Rha and avenge her mother's death, she did not. This advantage shows that Katara can, even in the most emotional situations, remember right from wrong, which helps cement Katara as the stronger bender.

Even in the most impressive bending battle of the series, Zuko and Katara's fight against Azula, Katara's ability to maintain her composure even after Zuko is beaten is what ultimately allows her to outwit, outsmart, and outmaneuver the unhinged Azula. Katara's willingness to fight to protect others is the waterbending master's biggest strength and she has proven that time and time again.

NEXT: Avatar: The Last Airbender - 10 Marvel Characters Who Would Make Great Benders